ives in this forest is straight up overpowered, at least compared to what you see everywhere else.”
“I believe the answer to that question can be found through an inspection of the differences between this land and any other.
This forest houses a concentration of magical particles far greater than the norm.
As the creatures that reside within go about their lives, they consume the forest’s bounty and breathe in its air.
In doing so, they concentrate within themselves vast quantities of magical particles.
As their bodies acclimate to the surplus of magic, they become more adaptable and less resistant to drastic changes in their physical forms.
The cycle only continues as the strong consume the weak and take their magical energies for themselves.”

Ohhh… So basically more magic = more OP.
That actually makes a lot of sense.

“Alright, I get that, but that then begs another question.
Why does this place have so many magical particles to begin with?”
“A good question.
That is not something I have ever thought about myself.” Lefi paused for a moment to think.
“But I do recall a tale told to me long ago by one of the older ancient dragons.”
“Hmm… Sounds interesting.
Do tell.”

Wait, Lefi’s been alive for a helluva long time, right? So exactly how long ago is long ago? Like, are we talking a few hundred years? Maybe a thousand?

“He predicated it by stating that it was a tale that he had heard from his parents before they passed,” she said.
“He told me that a god had once walked this land.
And that this is where he perished.
The magical energy within this so-called god dispersed throughout the land upon his death and came to form the forest we see around us.”

So this is where GOD died? Holy shit.
That’s an important plot point if I’ve ever heard one.
Seriously, talk about hitting all the fantasy buttons.

“Wait, didn’t you say you’ve never seen any gods before? And that they probably didn’t actually exist?
“Yes, Yuki, but the world is vast.
While I do consider myself rather knowledgeable, there is still much that I have not yet heard of, let alone seen for myself,” she said.
“Still, I doubt that the creature that perished here was a true god, but rather, a monster so long-lived that it was revered as one.”
“A monster revered as a god, huh? That’s an interesting thought.”

Everyone pretty much thinks of monsters as harmful creatures that need to be removed.
Going from that to something everyone worships is one helluva promotion if I’ve ever heard of one.

“Names and titles are often subject to change.
I, for example, was born as Leficios and feared as the Supreme Dragon for generations.
But now, I simply go by Lefi, the name you gave me.
Given my own experiences, I certainly do think it possible for a monster to be considered a god.” She leaned over to look me in the face as she smiled.
“Those with shorter lives, creatures who take on forms like yours, remember creatures like us as legends.
The simple act of living out our lives causes our names to be etched into history’s annals.
And our deaths are no different.
For they too bear great meaning to those who come after us.
It certainly is a bizarre phenomenon.
Life is quite a wonder, isn’t it?”

Carving your name into history by becoming a legend, huh? That’s a grandiose thought if I’ve ever heard one.
But I mean, she is right.
Life really does seem both weird and incredible if you think about it like that.
A wonderful life indeed.

“Well, if a long life and a lot of magic is all it takes to become a god, I’d say you’re well on your way.” I grinned at her.
“Give it another couple thousand years, and everyone will probably start worshipping you too.”
“I suppose that would make you the man that stole God’s heart.
That certainly does sound like a much more impressive title than ‘Demon Lord,’ doesn’t it?”
“Yeah, sounds like one I wouldn’t mind growing into.
Carving out this world’s mythos by your side and leaving proof that we were here, living our lives, sounds like something I’d enjoy,” I laughed.
“But if I want to be worth my salt, I’d better start working my way up the ladder, huh? Right now, I haven’t got much of a name to me.
I’m just like any other insignificant demon lord in the middle of nowhere.
But just you watch.
Soon I’ll be the biggest baddie around.”
Then I shall ascend to godhood as I wait for you to accomplish that exact feat.”

After exchanging another pair of laughs, the two of us smiled at each other and continued on our journey.

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