alized we’d made it back.

It was just past lunchtime, which, according to routine, meant she was likely the only resident indoors.
The kids almost always headed outside to play as soon as they were done with lunch, while the maids used the opportunity to retrieve the laundry, which they typically hung out to dry after breakfast.

The first two that the dragon approached were the hero and the sword.

“You have done well, both in returning and keeping a watchful eye on our resident fool.” She gave each girl a light pat on the shoulder along with a couple celebratory remarks.
“Has he done anything absurd enough to require my immediate attention?”
“Not this time,” said Nell.
“I made sure to watch him closely enough to stop him from doing anything silly.”
“He was fine this time,” confirmed Enne.
“Oh, come on,” I complained, but didn’t bother actually joining the conversation.
I knew that, at times like these, contributing wasn’t going to do much in my favour, so I let it go by with nothing but a few idle grumbles.
“Just what do you girls take me for?”

Once she exchanged a few more words with my two companions, the dragon girl turned to me.

“Welcome home, Yuki.”
“…Thanks.” I was, for a moment, stunned into silence.

A pair of conflicting emotions raged within me.
On one hand, hearing Lefi’s voice had immediately filled me with a sense of comfort and bliss.
On the other, I was totally pissed at myself for feeling the way I did.
It almost felt like the overly smug dragon had me wrapped around the tip of her finger.

“I see that you have once again failed to right the err of your ways.” The warm smile faded from her face and found itself replaced by a look of exasperation as she directed her gaze towards a certain unfamiliar princess.
“Why is it that you insist on kidnapping a child each and every time I take my eyes off you?”
“H-hold on, Lefi, just calm down, okay? I know what you’re thinking, but you’ve got it all wrong.
Iryll’s just one of Enne’s friends, and she’s only here to play.”
“Really?” She narrowed her gaze.
“I see little reason to believe you.”

Iryll, who had read the mood and chosen to stay silent in order to allow us to carry out our family reunion, took the opportunity to join the conversation.

“Good afternoon! I am Iryll Glorio Allysia, I prefer to be addressed as Iryll!” The princess pulled up the hems of her skirt and delivered a picture-perfect formal curtsy as she introduced herself with gusto.
“I’ve been blessed with the wonderful opportunity to spend several days here in Mr.
Demon Lord’s realm, and I hope to remain in your good graces for the duration of my stay!”
“You are very polite, little one.” The silver-haired dragon smiled.
“I am Leficios, but you may refer to me as Lefi.
I am this fool’s wife,” she said, as she gestured in my direction.
“His wife? I thought he was going to marry Nell.”
“Yuki is a lustful man.
His atypical disposition has led him to take for himself a total of three wives.”

I was by no means the horndog she claimed I was.
I was only about as attracted to members of the opposite sex as any other guy.
That said, as someone who had begun to embrace a polyamorous lifestyle, I was in no position to make any sort of argument against her.

Demon Lord has three wives!?” The princess’ eyes went wide.
“That’s wonderful! That must mean he really will marry me when I grow up!”
“Is that something he has already agreed to?”
“Yup!” The princess nodded energetically.

The dragon’s neck slowly twisted towards me in a near unnatural fashion.
Atop her face sat a picture perfect smile.
It was so perfect, in fact, that it seemed to manifest an aura of its own.
It was like she had some sort of malevolent spirit standing behind her, one that symbolized jealous rage, one that any aware of Japan’s folklore would call a Hannya.

“Wow… So this is how castles owned by demon lords look…” Apparently, the pressure that radiated off Lefi’s form was undetectable by humans, as Iryll remained unaffected and continued to casually examine her surroundings whilst I was left trembling in fear.
“It seems really comfy and lived in!”

Well, yeah.
I know there’s a throne in here, and that it’s pretty fancy and whatnot, but despite its name, the true throne room is basically just our living room.
If anything, I’d be more surprised if it didn’t seem lived in.

“The outside is even cooler,” said the resident sword.
“Follow me.
I’ll show you around.”
“Thanks Enne!”

Lefi waited for the two younglings to leave before narrowing her eyes and speaking in a much colder tone.
“I trust you will be explaining this to me in detail?”
“I-I mean, what else was I supposed to say!? She was the one asking, and do you really think I can bring myself to be cruel enough to break the poor girl’s heart?” I said in indignant panic.
“Besides, it’ll be fine.
Sure, she likes me now, but that’ll change by the way it grows up.”

I know for a fact that she’ll forget she ever liked me by the time she grows up.
That’s just how that works!

After listening to a couple panicked but supposedly logical explanations, Lefi heaved a small sigh.
“Yuki, I would like to inform you that you are but digging your own grave.” Her words were laced heavily in exasperation.
“What are your thoughts on this matter?” After heaving another sigh, she prompted the other woman in the room to join her in lecturing me.

“I think you’re right,” said Nell.
“You really have to learn to be more careful around women, Yuki.
If you keep going at this rate, then one day, someone’s going to take advantage of you, use you, hurt you, and throw you away.”
“I-I’ll try to be more careful,” I said.
“I’ve no doubt that such an event is awaiting him,” said Lefi.
“There is a need for me to remain by his side to ensure that it does not occur.
He has always been far too kind to those of the opposite gender.”
“I know right!? He’s completely ruthless when it comes to men, but he always softens up the moment he has to deal with a girl.
He even gave in to Ronia’s pestering and showed her his wings!”
“W-well I mean, there wasn’t any reason for me to turn her down, was there?”

If anything, saying no would’ve made me feel bad.
It isn’t everyday you see a quiet girl like her getting so worked up.

“I see from his lack of repentance that this is an issue that will require the council’s attention,” said Lefi.
“Let us speak to Lyuu so that we may organise the fifth Wives’ Conference.”
“I actually wanted to talk to you and Lyuu about something.
Do you think that might be a good time?”
“Very well.
Let us center the conference around you and whichever topics you wish to discuss.”

Alright, hold up.
Did she just say fifth? When the hell did the other four happen?

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