uld not help but call out.

“You're still praising this brat?” Lu Zhong Tian rolled his eyes.
This guy had almost killed them all off just moments ago.

“That's quite another matter.
This brat's saber arts is indeed not bad; if it wasn't for… ai, even I have a bit of desire of take him as my disciple.” Xie Chang sighed with a shake of his head, looking like he felt it was really quite a pity.

Ting, ting, ting, ting.
Ling Han and Feng Yan endlessly exchanged blows, and Saber Qi and Sword Qi danced vigorously through the air.

At this point, Feng Yan had activated the Mirror Light Body, and was able to rebound about twenty percent of Ling Han's attacks.
This was extremely astonishing, as not only was he able to reduce twenty percent of Ling Han's attack power, he was also able to reflect this attack power back onto Ling Han and strengthen his own attacks in the process.

In the process of receiving attacks, Feng Yan's body was also flickering with silvery light, like it was a mirror that was about to shatter.

Obviously, there was a limit to the attack power he could reflect.
As long as this limit was exceeded, then he would not be able to reflect the attack, and would be directly shattered instead.

Ling Han's Body of Rock Cliff also displayed its effects.
He could more or less withstand the twenty percent of attack power that was reflected back onto him and only feel the slight slightest bit of discomfort.
However, he only needed to circulate the Indestructible Heaven Scroll and this uncomfortable feeling would disappear without a trace.

The two fighters' right hands wielded their respective weapons, while their left hands continued a barrage of punches and palm strikes.
Even their legs would occasionally kick out at their opponent, creating one after another powerful attacks, with an astonishing might behind each attack.

Those people around them were dumbfounded by this display.
Who in the younger generation would still be capable of standing against these two?

Too powerful!

Feng Yan was a bit hesitant.
This was not his full power, but if he wanted to kill Ling Han, then he would have to reveal some of his more powerful trump cards.
Was it worth exposing his trump cards just for one Ling Han?

Moreover, Ling Han should also have trump cards that he had not revealed yet.
At least, he had not used that sword technique that contained a series of four sword intents, so Feng Yan could not help but keep a few cards up his sleeve as security.

“I'm not late, am I?” At this moment, a hearty laughter was heard, and a tall old man strode over.
With every step, it seemed as if there was a dazzling light under his feet, and a purple-colored light actually bloomed under his steps, like the blooming of a flower.

This was martial intent, something that could only be produced by someone who was at least in the Spiritual Ocean Tier—this man had already reached the Spiritual Pedestal Tier.

Who was he speaking to?

Feng Yan laughed heartily, and said, “Attendant Qiu, you're just in time!”

“Hehe, allow me to introduce myself.
I am Qiu Ku, a little attendant of the Winter Moon Sect,” the old man said, all smiles, presenting an amiable attitude.

Yet everyone's hearts almost stopped at that; an attendant of the Winter Moon Sect!

If Feng Yan could only be considered a mere disciple, then Qiu Ku could to a great extent represent the will of the Winter Moon Sect.

“Attendant Qiu, help me apprehend this brat!” Feng Yan said.

“All right!” Qiu Ku nodded his head without hesitation.
He did not put on any airs even though Feng Yan was much weaker than him in term of cultivation level.
This was naturally because he was giving face to that powerful elite of the Spiritual Infant Tier standing behind Feng Yan.

“You dare!” Fu Yuan Sheng instantly stepped out.

Qiu Ku's eyes swept over and slightly narrowed as he said, “A Black Grade high level alchemist?”

“Just let the young people deal with their own matters, where we, the older people, just stand by at one side,” Fu Yuan Sheng said calmly, yet there was a forcefulness to his tone that would accept no rejection.

As a member of the Alchemists' Association, he was not afraid of the Winter Moon Sect.

Qiu Ku looked hesitant.
Firstly, he had no desire to offend a high level alchemist, and secondly, Fu Yuan Sheng was also in the Spiritual Pedestal Tier, so even if he made a move, it was not certain that he would be able to kill Ling Han.

Feng Yan smirked coldly, and said, “Clan Head Liu, this man has killed a son-in-law of the Liu Clan.
Could it be that the Liu Clan wants to simply watch as he goes unpunished? I will not make things difficult for you either.
As long as you help detain Master Fu, the benefits that I have promised to the Liu Clan would not be reduced in any way!”

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