ily doesn’t seem to treat you very well.”

Zhou Zhongzheng’s body trembled violently, “What does Mr.
Lu mean by this? Are you telling me to become a traitor?”

Looking at Zhou Zhongzheng’s slightly doubtful and wary expression, Lu Yu smiled gently and said, “Don’t be nervous.
I just think that you, as a person, are very interesting and you speak tactfully.
If you become a discarded pawn of the Ying family one day, it would be such a pity.”

Zhou Zhongzheng remained silent for a moment before saying, “First of all, I would like to thank Mr.
Lu for your concern.
But Mr.
Lu, you should be more concerned about yourself.
Your problem can be big or small, but if you are exploited by people with ulterior motives, then your problem will be infinitely magnified.”

“A War General of the Ying Family died at your hands and they suffered such a great loss.
There is no way the Ying Family will let you off.”

The two of them chatted leisurely.
They were unacquainted with each other, yet they chatted as if they had been good friends for many years.

Another hour later, another corner of the array formation was completed.
By now, the ancient elemental force had begun to gather, rumbling gently in the ground beneath Lu Yu’s feet.

It was like standing at the mouth of an active volcano.
The elemental force was accumulating and was about to spurt out.

Suddenly, a dense web of cracks spread across the surface of the long dormant Lake Ice Abyss.
As the ice layer cracked open, pillars of water shot up with great force.
At the same time, Lu Yu could feel a pair of icy cold eyes locking onto himself, emitting a bone-piercingly chilly aura, giving Lu Yu a big fright.

Zhou Zhongzheng’s expression changed drastically.
“Oh no! The aura released by the array formation has awakened the Fearsome Beast slumbering at the bottom of the lake.”

Lu Yu also looked frantic.
Before he set up the array formation, he had already checked and confirmed that the Fearsome Beast at the bottom of the lake was in deep slumber.
Furthermore, he had deliberately restrained the array formation’s power, so there was no possibility of the beast waking up.

With no time to think further, the bone-piercingly freezing aura came blasting over.
Following that, a loud resounding roar rang out, and the sound wave caused ripples to spread across the water surface.

Zhou Zhongzheng was flung off his feet immediately.
Lu Yu pushed down with his feet, and two deep footprints appeared.
The ground surface cracked into fragments as the ripples came charging over.
Lu Yu instantly leaped into the air, watching the lake surface intently.

From the depths of the lake, a pair of ferocious eyeballs glared at Lu Yu with a furious expression.
The moment the creature broke through the surface, its huge body cast a gargantuan shadow over the whole place.
As it landed, its size completely overshadowed everything.

The creature’s body was over 30 meters long.
It had dragon horns and green dragon scales, but its whole body resembled a giant snake.

Flood Dragon! This was the first thing that popped into Lu Yu’s mind, and he was quite stunned.
After the Spiritual Energy Renaissance, even species such as the Flood Dragons that existed only in the myths appeared as well?

[Ice Abyss Flood Dragon]

[Level: S-class]

[Introduction: A Fearsome Beast which has lain in deep slumber for hundreds of years in Lake Ice Abyss.
Its body contains a strong trace of the power of its bloodline, releasing a freezing cold aura that can freeze all life around it! It was originally in slumber, but with the Spiritual Energy Renaissance after the apocalypse, the events sped up the process of its awakening!]

A series of tiny texts appeared before Lu Yu, giving him a big fright.

He had thought all along that Fearsome Beasts came about as a result of creature mutations after the Spiritual Energy Renaissance in the world.
He was not aware that Fearsome Beasts already existed before the Age of the Spiritual Energy Renaissance.
And they were S-class Fearsome Beasts no less!

What surprised Lu Yu even more was, this Flood Dragon did not seem to be affected by the poisonous gas.
In its berserk state, it seemed to have natural immunity to poisonous gas!

Roar! The Ice Abyss Flood Dragon opened its giant mouth and spewed a gush of freezing aura, trying to kill these two humans before its eyes who had interrupted its slumber.

In the next moment, Lu Yu activated Red Lotus Battle Energy and the Red Lotus Fire Domain was formed.
The temperature of the icy arctic land rose rapidly, and countless fire dragons materialized, charging menacingly toward the Ice Abyss Flood Dragon to devour it.

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