the influential figures of the city gathered at the banquet hall, praising Earl Havirond’s virtuous figure and accomplishments.
They also praised Marshal Seton’s courage.


Urich and the other mercenaries entered the venue.
One of the servants raised their horn high and blew on it to notify the guests of Urich’s entrance.

“‘Urich’s Brothers’ are entering.”

The nobles and wealthy individuals looked at the mercenaries.

“The mercenaries are here.”

Urich waddled around here and there.

His eyes, nose, ears—none of them had a moment to rest.
He didn’t want to let go of anything.
The sound of the exotic instruments, food made with unfamiliar spices, the touch of the women with sweet smells, and the glittering jewels that caught every eye.

“Your Lordship, please praise the mercenaries for their accomplishments.
They have done a lot,” Marshal Seton whispered into Earl Havirond’s ears.

“That’s surprising.
Didn’t you dislike using barbarian mercenaries?”

“In the end, your words were right, Your Lordship.
If it weren’t for the mercenaries, more soldiers would have died.
They have surely set enough accomplishments for Your Lordship to reward them more.”

Seton honestly admitted it.
Earl Havirond lightly laughed.
He then heard the specifics from Seton.

“Welcome, mercenary leader! I have heard a lot about your accomplishments.
I have heard that you have shown a lot of valor.”

Earl Havirond came up close to Urich.

“It’s a nice banquet.
I’d never seen such a fancy one.”

Urich spoke with awe.
Earl Havirond laughed at his sincere feelings of amazement.
Because there was no one who disliked someone who said that their banquet was magnificent.

“You over there! What are you doing? You should be pouring alcohol for the valiant Urich!”

Earl Havirond spoke while pointing at a servant.
The servant extended a bronze cup after doing a graceful move.

The influential figures of the city came up to the mercenary leader and each said something while passing by.
Urich observed their movements and clothing while receiving their greetings.

‘Can I become like them too?’

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The civilized.
Those who enjoyed and relished civilization.
They not only developed fighting and survival skills, but they also lived pursuing something greater.

Urich’s Brothers’ reputation got larger again.
Many people remembered the mercenary group’s name.


Urich felt himself getting drunk.
He stared at the ceiling from his seat.
Paintings that he had never seen before were scattered all over the place.
They said that it was a mural that metaphorically expressed the myth of Sol.

“Ru…” Urich muttered to himself.


The banquet hall doors opened.
A new guest was entering.


The nobles were surprised.

“Dear Ru…”

A few of them spoke tearfully.

Urich looked at the entrance with his eyes half-opened.


He saw an empty sleeve.
The one-armed clergyman received assistance as he entered the banquet hall.


Urich, who had been lazily leaning into the chair, stood up straight.

“Ohhh, Monk Gotval.
Are you alright?”

Earl Havirond welcomed him with exaggerated movements.
The clergyman nodded.

“My fever dropped.
The danger has passed.”

“This must be Ru’s protection.
This must mean that there is still a lot for you to do in this world, Monk Gotval.”

“I also believe that it is a revelation from Ru.”

The nobles and wealthy individuals gave short prayers while looking at Gotval.
The exciting music started again, and the nobles drank alcohol.
They enjoyed the banquet while shouting the god’s name.

“So your god didn’t take you.”

Urich talked to Gotval while drinking wine.

“It must mean that there’s still something for me to do on this land.”

Gotval tried to gather his hands to pray but smiled bitterly after realizing his right hand was missing.
There was nothing below the forearm on his right arm.

‘Did Ru answer my prayers?’

Urich quietly looked at Gotval.
He was the first clergyman of Sol that he had ever met.
It was hard for Urich to understand his ways of thinking.

“You’re probably leaving soon.”

“We’ll leave after our bodies have recovered.”

“I’ll teach you writing during that time.
Even though I only have my left hand, there are books here, so I should be able to acquire textbooks for you.”

Urich nodded.
Before Gotval left, Urich said something in a drunken voice.

“I want to be baptized.”

Gotval stiffly turned his neck and looked at Urich.

“Can you say that one more time, Urich?”

“I want you to baptize me.”

Gotval chuckled.

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“I am certain now that Ru didn’t take me because I still had a mission to do.”


* * *


Half a month had passed, and Urich had learned a lot within that short time.

He had completely submerged himself in a bath at the Sol temple.
Flower petals were floating on the water and gave it a scent.
His senses were dulled in the marvelous water.
The sound of the water was dull.


Urich finished his bath and walked nude into the marble hallway.
Young monks came out carrying towels to wipe his body.

Murmur, whisper.

The witnesses to his baptism were standing on the left and right sides of the marble hallway, waiting for him.


It was silent.
At the end of the hallway, a one-armed clergyman was standing in red clothing.
It was Gotval.

‘Sun God Ru.’

Urich raised his head and looked at the statues of the sun.
Ru was just the sun itself.

‘Why am I being baptized?’

He took a step closer.

‘Because of a vow? Why did I make a vow like that?’

Urich walked all the way to Gotval.


Windows opened in all directions.
Even the ceiling of the temple opened up.
Perhaps it was because it was noon, but the sun’s light radiantly filled up the temple’s interior.

Urich stood at the center of that light.
His wet hair shone like sparkling gems.
His muscles squirmed as he kneeled.
Each and every muscle on his body was clearly distinct from one another.
It was as if his body were a perfectly sculpted statue.

Here, nobody thought that Urich was a barbarian.
The man with a beautiful body looked divine.


Urich still felt lost.
He closed and opened his eyes.
Gotval was waiting for him.

“Ru, your child who had lost his way longs to return to your arms again.
Please, with your loving heart, guide this man…” prayed Gotval.

“Guide this man.”

The witnesses to the baptism, who stood to the left and right of Gotval, repeated his words periodically.
Amongst them were mercenaries like Bakman and Donovan.
Sven, however, wasn’t found.

‘I want to be sure.’

It wasn’t until the end that you could see your inner self.

‘I pray that my soul doesn’t wander after my death.’

There were multiple instances in the last battle where Urich could have died.
He wasn’t afraid of death.
He was afraid that he didn’t know where he would go after.

Urich needed an afterlife.

“…Will be the guide to your soul.”

The long baptism was over.
Gotval closed the thick book.

Urich stood up.
He felt refreshed as his wet body was dried up by the sun.
He even had the illusion that he was born again.

“And these are my personal words, Urich.
You are a valiant warrior.
Perhaps your name will go down in history.
However, please just remember this.
Love others and show mercy.
Then, your soul will become much stronger,” Gotval whispered into the baptized Urich’s ears.

“That’s a difficult request, clergyman.”

Urich bared his teeth and smiled.

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