Chapter 1.
Unwelcome Luck


After exiting the maze-like alleys, the destination appeared.


Bastian looked at the unfamiliar street with narrowed eyes.


On both sides of the narrow street, where a single carriage could barely pass, shops were lined up tightly.
Mostly taverns and gambling dens, or theaters with obscene posters.
It was a world-like landscape that existed only for pleasure.


“What are you doing? Let’s go, Bastian.”


Lucas von Ewald’s face was full of anticipation as he tapped his shoulder.The only son of Count Ewald, the head of the Senate.


Bastian couldn’t help but smile at the enthusiasm at the face of his best ally  from the military academy.
Just by slightly pulling up the corners of his lips, the cold expression on his face changed in an instant.


Bastian followed the group that had led the way with Lucas.
Their destination was the gambling house at the far end of the road.
It was the building with the most plausible exterior on this street, but it was nothing compared to the social club he had stayed in a while ago.


“This place has its own unique fun.
You’ll find out soon.”


The officer whose eyes met Bastian’s said with a sly grin.
Erich, the eldest son of a prosperous Faber family in the steel business, was another connection that should not be neglected.


Bastian happily agreed and smiled this time as well.
He had not the slightest desire to ruin his reputation with the kind of deviance in these back streets, but that didn’t mean he was foolish to antagonize himself by pretending to be  above such pursuits.
The wisest course of action would have been to play along  and then stand up when the time was right.


“You are finally here! I was beginning to worry because I hadn’t seen you in a long time.”


A middle-aged man, presumably the owner of the gambling house, greeted them with exaggerated joy.
It was a clear hospitality that was motivated solely by the knowledge of how much money they would be spent here tonight.


“This person is…….”


His gaze, examining the officers, stopped on Bastian’s face.


“This is Captain Klauswitz, a name you must have seen in the newspapers.”


Lucas, who immediately emptied the glass, introduced Bastian proudly.
The man, who blinked his wide opened eyes, burst into a joyful exclamation soon after.


“I never thought I would meet the hero who protected the seas of the empire here! It’s an honor, Captain.”


After a flurry of compliments, he presented a gift of quality whiskey and a box of cigars.


Unlike the officers who were thrilled with the hospitality, Bastian’s face showed no emotion.
He went through the motions of drinking, smoking, and chatting, without an emotional investment to any of the excitement surrounded. It was hard to find more enthusiasm, but even at that moment, his lips did not lose their smooth painted smile.
It was a kind of habit that his body remembered without being aware of it.


Women, gambling, dirty scandals in the dark.


Different topics completely different from when they were at the social club with sophisticated conversations and debates passed quickly with laughter.


Bastian was mostly a listener.
At times, he responded appropriately, but even that did not deviate from the scope of short answers or light laughter. 


“The second floor is ready, gentlemen.”


The owner approached with quick steps and bowed his head.


The officers, who had stopped chatting at that point, readily rose from their seats.
Even though everyone drank a fair amount of alcohol, they moved with the high energy and vitality of young soldiers.


“One more time! Please, please! Just give me one more chance!”


It was just when they entered the hallway on the second floor that led to the VIP card room that they heard a plea that sounded like a scream.
An elderly man dragged out of the normal card room was pleading with the guards.


The eyes of the officers who stopped walking all at once turned to the commotion.
The man  was now on his knees on the carpet in the hallway begging.
He was a typical gambler who couldn’t let go of the table  even after losing all his stake.


Bastian, who had stopped paying attention to the trivial fuss, lifted the cuffs of his uniform and checked his watch.
After dinner at the Admiralty, drinking at a social club, and now this, the time was approaching midnight.


After tidying up his clothes, Bastian erased his tiredness by slowly opening his closed eyes.
It was at that time that the man from a moment ago started to riot again.


“Let me in! I still have stakes left!”


“Ah, yes.
Is that so, beggar Duke ? Then, please show me your stakes.”


 As if this hadn’t happened before, the guards mocked  with languid faces. 


“That’s… that, yes! My daughter! I will bet my daughter!”


The man shook off the guards’ hands and exclaimed triumphantly.


“You all know what a great beauty my daughter is, right? Compared to her, the stakes are nothing.”


Even while the speechless guards clicked their tongues, the man continued to roam the card room, speaking passionately.
As Bastian watched, a laugh mixed with a sigh broke out between his lips, and Erich, the son of the Faber family stepped out.


Are you going to take responsibility for what you just said?”


He gestured at the tables and strode to the father who was about to sell his daughter in a gambling frenzy. 


“Are you willing to give up your daughter for a bowl of chips?”


He looked back at the pile of chips on the table in the card room and turned to face the man again.


 “…… Yes, yes, of course! In this capital, no, I can proudly say that my daughter is the most beautiful woman in this empire.”


The man who swallowed dry saliva shouted loudly.


“I think this version will be more fun.
What about you guys?”


Erich Faber asked for consent with a rather interested face.
The officers, who exchanged glances, responded by stealthily turning toward the card room where the man was located.


Bastian watched the skit with eyes as calm as deep in the night.
It seemed that he could finally understand the allure that made the children of prestigious families become regulars of these third-rate gambling establishments.


“Come quickly, Bastian!”


The group sitting around the card table began to call his name, urging him on.The father who

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