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A resounding voice of a dragon echoed, while a giant flame dragon suddenly descended while baring its fangs and brandishing its claws, exploding violently.

In that instant, the entire sea of flames seemed to be in an insurrection.

“What? Burst strength at the dragon class?”

The Mystic Martial Experts in the six abodes were astonished.

Generally, once at the flood dragon class, one would pass the third mystic martial door.
But there was no one who actually achieved the dragon class.

The flood dragon and the dragon had a difference of one level, but the gap was like a chasm.

A flood dragon was ultimately still an aquatic dragon.

While the dragon was a species of a higher realm.

“I must take in this child as my personal disciple.
None of you shall debate with me.” A Mystic Martial Expert which was tall and sturdy like mountain roared out.

“Lao Liu, you aren’t qualified to teach him.
I, on the other hand, am good enough.” A man with phoenix eyes said.
(TL note: Lao Liu, literally means Old Six, which means no.6 in the ranking)

The tall and sturdy man spoke reluctantly, “I am good at burst strength, why am I unqualified?”

A middle-aged beauty said, “In terms of burst strength, we aren’t inferior to you.
Moreover, you are only good at burst strength.
What about the other factors? How are you going to teach him? Don’t waste such a good talent.”

The tall and sturdy man was still unwilling to yield, “I don’t care either way.
I must teach him.”

Producing a formidable personal disciple was something that was beneficial towards them.
Hence he must not give up.

“Don’t be stubborn.
Furthermore, it is his choice to make.
I think he will not pick you either.” The man with phoenix eyes didn’t continue the dispute and laughed as he spoke.

They might be in their respective abode, but the Mystic Martial Hidden Domain was very mystical and they were all Reincarnation Realm martial artists.
Sending their voice through a distance was extremely simple.

The rest of the Mystic Martial Experts didn’t say anything, but they were very tempted.
They had decided that they would entice Li Fuchen and let him choose them as his master.
After all, once they missed such an opportunity, they might never encounter it again.

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“This child is rather good.”

Right at this moment, the white-haired old man in the second abode spoke.

“Second Brother, you have some thoughts?” The man with phoenix eyes lost his calmness as he asked.

Big Brother and Second Brother had yet to accept any personal disciples, and they were both very powerful.
If the two of them were to step in, their hopes were instantly lowered by 90%.

The white-haired old man spoke indifferently, “The prerequisite is he can pass the fifth mystic martial door.”

The fifth mystic martial door was the lowest expectation.
If it was in the past, he wouldn’t accept a personal disciple even if they passed the sixth mystic martial door.
But Li Fuchen was a little special, as a martial artist’s burst strength was a very crucial factor that determined one’s combat strength.
The mythical dragon class and the dragon class had a difference that was tremendously large.

Just like a difference between a normal individual and a prodigy, which was unimaginably huge.

“I hope he doesn’t pass the fifth mystic martial door.”

Apart from the preeminent man, the rest of the other six Mystic Martial Experts were hoping for Li Fuchen to fail before the fifth mystic martial door.

If the others knew about how these experts were thinking, they would probably be dumbstruck.

But these experts didn’t mind it at all.
Because whether they accepted any personal disciples was entirely up to them.

If you didn’t obtain their liking, it didn’t matter even if you pass the fifth mystic martial door.
If they were determined to forsake you, then you wouldn’t stand a chance.

But if you were to fit their criteria, even if you were to only pass the third mystic martial door, they would still take you in as a personal disciple.

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Of course, the third mystic martial door was already the lowest benchmark, if it was any lower, they would have to reconsider.
They wouldn’t go accepting a personal disciple who only passed the first or second mystic martial door right?

“The best is if he doesn’t even pass the fourth mystic martial door.” The tall and sturdy man had this malicious intention.

Li Fuchen was just too suitable for his tastes.
He was hoping he could immediately snatch Li Fuchen over.
As he didn’t care about Li Fuchen’s results for the other mystic martial doors, as he solely wanted to accept Li Fuchen as his personal disciple.

Li Fuchen didn’t know about the thoughts of the Mystic Martial Experts.

Seeing that he produced the giant flaming dragon, Li Fuchen thought to himself, ‘I wonder what level this burst strength belongs to? Is there an even higher level than this?’

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