God Emperor

Chapter 601: The Slaughter

Sure enough, the Red Wish Emissary was rendered less alert, and she asked, ”Can you manage to master the second-level magic art in half a day? ”

”Why not? ” Zhang Ruochen answered.

The Red Wish Emissary asked suspiciously, ”How can you prove it? ”

Zhang Ruochen was quite confident. He said, ”Just give me one more night. I can manage to learn the other second-level magic art. ”

The Red Wish Emissary gave Zhang Ruochen two second-level magic arts, ”Wrath of the Thunder God ” and ”Lightning of Great Destruction. ”

”Wrath of Thunder God ” was not a rare second-level thunderbolt spell, and it had been recorded on many Codexes of Spiritual Power.

However, ”Lightning of Great Destruction ” was a much more powerful spell. It was a top-notch second-level thunderbolt spell.

Most importantly, the spell had been invented by a Master of Spiritual Power in the Black Market. Even Masters of Spiritual Power trained by the Black Market itself were mostly not adept at the spell, let alone Masters of Spiritual Power trained by other groups.

It was a safe bet that Zhang Ruochen had never practiced ”Lightning of Great Destruction ” before.

The Red Wish Emissary meticulously sized up Zhang Ruochen with a smile while seating herself by the stone table again. She said, ”If you can manage to practice ’Lightning of Great Destruction ’ overnight, I can grant you a psychic device. ”

”If you say so. I might as well seclude myself for refining right now. Tomorrow morning, I will show Your Excellency ’Lightning of Great Destruction. ’ ”

Zhang Ruochen rose up with confidence written all over his face and strode back into his chamber.

Of course, it would be impossible for Zhang Ruochen to acquire the second-level magic art overnight.

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