God Emperor

Chapter 773: Grandma Begonia

Half-Saint Zixia, lord of the Longevity Institution on Zixia Sacred Mountain, was also Lin Yue ’s nominal master.

After the Kunlun Heir ’s Banquet, Lin Yue became as famous as Gai Tianjiao in the Yin and Yang Sect. Both of them were now Yin and Yang Sect superstars, with quite promising futures.

Although Half-Saint Zixia was only a nominal master to Lin Yue, he also shared benefites with Lin Yue, which made many other Half-Saints in the Yin and Yang Sect feel jealous.

Zixia was so happy to see Zhang Ruochen that he did not hide his admiration at all. He said, ”Lin Yue, you did really well during the banquet. You defeated the Demonic Sect masters and earned respect for the Yin and Yang Sect. Your contribution will be rewarded. Now, please follow me to Tai Qing Palace. The master wants to see you. ”

Though Zhang Ruochen ’s cultivation was only at the Eighth Change in the Fish-Dragon Realm, his spiritual power had reached the Half-Saint Realm, which put him on equal footing with Half-Saint Zixia.

For this reason, insteading of acting like his master, Zixia treated Zhang Ruochen as an equal.

”The master wants to see me? ” Zhang Ruochen was a little surprised.

”Yes, he does. ”

Zixia smiled. ”As far as I know, Patriarch Taiyi thinks you have great potential. He will be present as well, but you don ’t need to be nervous. Just answer the master ’s questions honestly. ”

Zhang Ruochen thanked Zixia and returned to the Yin and Yang Sect with him.

They went to the the Tai Qing Palace.

Ning Xuandao, master of the Yin and Yang Sect, stood side-by-side with the Moon-Burier Sword Saint in the center of the palace, discussing something secret.

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