Hellbound With You (WN)

Chapter 176: Birthday girl

tly on the couch near the window. Her eyes glimmered as she looked at him before she returned her gaze to the cake. 

She took a deep breath as she stared at it. But then, she looked around again, first making eye contact with her family, then Kelly, then the other guests, and then Ezekiel Qin and Chris, with a huge smile as if she was memorizing each of their faces. Lastly, her eyes landed on Alex. 

When their eyes met, she felt like everyone temporarily disappeared. To Abi, this was her happiest birthday ever, simply because her special someone was here, celebrating this day with her. Nobody knew how happy she was right now. 

Honestly, though Abi had not really been looking forward for this day because she knew that this would be her last. She thought she would never smile like this once this day came but here she was smiling from ear to ear. 

All of these feelings she was experiencing were all thanks to Alex. If she hadn ’t met him, she would ’ve never experienced these kinds of emotions, including the feeling of loving someone with all your heart and soul. It was incredibly overwhelming and she had never felt so alive.   

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