I’m the King Of Technology

134 Who Will Be The Chosen One? 2

”Over my years as king, Yodan has experienced growth and peace within the Pyno Continent.

I wish nothing more than to pass my people and this empire, to someone whom I have absolute confidence in their skills and abilities. ”

As Maclaine spoke, everyone could hear footsteps coming towards the hall but they dismissed it, since they thought that it was someone of no importance.

”To make this short…. I have gathered you all here today, to join me in celebrating the new crown prince of Yodan.

The 3rd Prince, Sirius Maclaine. ”

Instantly, those footsteps stopped.

”Am I late father? ” Sirius asked with a smile.

”You had to rush all the way from your territory, so how can you be considered to have come late? ” Maclaine said with a warm smile on his face.

”Thank you for your benevolence father. ” Sirius said while bowing.

”As I was saying, this is your new crown prince Sirius Maclaine!! ”

Everyone was shocked silly.


Wasn ’t this the prince that was said to be the weakest amongst his brothers?

Didn ’t they say that he was cowardly, weak and always had average performances when being taught by the royal tutors?

Just what what was his majesty thinking?

Sirius smiled as he looked at everyone ’s surprised faces.

Truth be told, Sirius actually excelled in every aspect of leadership and war.

The reason why he had average scores, was because he did it intentionally.

For him to do his things in secret, he needed to keep a low profile at all times.

Over the years, Sirius had been helping his father to deal with politics, trade and other leadership aspects on the low.

A lot of changes in Yodan, were actually made possible because of him… But the people had no idea, as they thought that their king was the one who had come up with those ideas and solutions.

Only his father and mother, knew of his actual intellect and abilities.

His mother Emma, had been grilling him since childhood.

He had always known that he would be king, so this announcement didn ’t come as a shock to him.

After all, he had worked extremely hard for the position as well.

At the age of 7, his mother had paid Private tutors who disguised themselves as guards, servants and maids, to train him diligently.

He had never had a moment ’s rest and had always been working towards the goal of being king.

No one..not even his brothers, had put in a lot of energy as he did, towards this fight for the throne.

So if they had any complaints, they could just shut up and kill themselves.

Of course, his father had no idea of his abilities.

That was until 4 years ago, when he came to his father ’s study and suggested a way that they could deal with some problems that Yodan was facing.

From then on… he and his father grew close, and the rest was history.

As King Maclaine explained all of Sirius ’ skills and achievements over the years, the people were left stunned once again.

So it was because of him that they had finally establish a trade agreement with the empire Deiferus?

For more than 200 years now Yodan and Deiferus had been on each other ’s throats over some old beef that had nothing to do with the people now.

But either way, no side wanted to back down first. Hence trade or products from Deiferus, were never allowed in Yodan.

But 3 years ago, all that changed.. and now, Deiferus and Yodan were on friendly terms.

So it was because of Sirius?

Ivy, Sedora and the other wives all glared at Emma with hatred.

What a good Emma!!!…. Your son is truly great!!!

Emma looked at them and smiled back gracefully, as if saying: thank you for your compliments.

The other wives were furious.

To think that they had been fighting amongst themselves, while their real enemy was just watching them like buffoons.

Sedora gripped the arms of her seat, as she thought of the love making scene with Maclaine.

All that for nothing?

Ivy wanted to scream with rage at the thought of all the money she had spent to deal with Sedora, and all the other wives who wanted to seduce Maclaine for the position of crown prince.

Malfoy, Benedict,  and the other prince ’s, were having a hard time too.

So this bastard was just pretending all along?

As they heard of his numerous feats from their father ’s mouth, their rage intensified.

”In conclusion, Sirius Maclaine will be crowned King in 8 months time. ”

As soon as the prince ’s and the other wives heard this, they all had the same thought.

’Within these 8 months, Sirius had to die ’.

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