Xiao Zhi stood up and walked along this simple passage with Da Zhuang.

Both ends of the passageway were dark, and it was impossible to tell which direction was the main tomb.
Xiao Zhi can choose a path at will, hoping that his luck will not be too bad.

A dark figure appeared not far in front.
Xiao Zhi raised his staff with some vigilance.
After waiting for a moment, the opponent had no response.
He approached cautiously.

Approaching ‌, Xiao Zhi saw that this was a long-dead ant-man tribe.
He half-kneeled on the ground.
The stones in front of him support his body, which is as unspoiled as the others in the tomb.

This man has a handsome face and a perfect figure.
The upper body is almost like a human race.
There are some tentacles on the top of the head.
It should be one of the male ants.

The fatal wound was on his back.
A sharp carapace dagger stabbed into his back fiercely, and the injury appeared black near the wound, which should be very poisonous.

Big Zhuang probes over: “Hey, he must be tricked by someone…”

Xiao Zhi: “You can even make a story for a palace fight.”

Da Zhuang cast a curious look at him.
Even on the subcontinent of Daze, the people are still keen to eat melons, especially the deep grievances that ordinary people cannot touch.

Xiao Zhi pointed to the dagger on the back of the corpse and said: “Workers have sharp claws.
If they want to attack, they are definitely better than daggers, and they are already poisonous.”

“The male ants do not have any talents to attack.
They have no strong physique, no fangs or claws, and no toxins.
Their only function is to make the female ants happy.”

“So, the attacker is another male ant.”

Da Zhuang nodded with approval: “Boss, you are excellent.”

Xiao Zhi continued: “when he was running for his life, he didn’t forget to take advantage of the opportunity.
Maybe the two usually had a grudge, or he took away the treasure so that others coveted it.”

Da Zhuangzhuang wagged his tail at Xiao Zhi: “Boss, if you can’t hang on the mainland, you can still find a rich woman to join her palace.
It’s good for you! If you find one, don’t forget me then.”

Xiao Zhi: “……”

Thankfully, he is not interested in being happy with a rich woman at all.

He pulled off the topic: “‌We should have taken the right direction in which he fell.
Let’s continue.”

Xiao Zhi walked in the passage for a while, and in the meantime, he saw another corpse.
Almost all of them died of conspiracy.
It’s a pity that these people who planned to flee together did not leave here together in the end.

Why did they die here? The reason is untestable, and it can become an eternal secret with the passing of life.

Isn’t it? These corpses have not become living corpses that actively attack people.
Is it because they wanted to escape before they were alive and did not have the consciousness of guarding the ant den?

Finally, the narrow passage ended, and in front of Xiao Zhi was a slightly open space, not ample in size, and the excavation was still very simple.

‌There are solid walls in front of him, and there are no entrances or exits.

Xiao Zhi stepped forward and tried to knock on the wall but didn’t hear a sound similar to a hollow wall.

Dead end?

Da Zhuang looked around the surrounding areas: “It shouldn’t be.
The corpses along the way did not come out of thin air.
There is a way to come in at the end of the passage.
Is it closed?”

Xiao Zhi also scanned the surroundings, and he asked Da Zhuang: “If you want to arrange an escape plan for yourself, would you rehearse it?”

“Well… three times, no five times…” Da Zhuangzhuang thought, and suddenly he understood what Xiao Zhi meant, “Boss, you mean that the entrance and exit here can be open repeatedly!”

Xiao Zhi nodded: “Such a long passage can’t be prepared in a short time.
They need to prevent someone from breaking in and destroying their plan in the process.
At the same time, they need to rehearse the unexpected situation that may occur to ensure that they can escape smoothly.”

“The movement of opening the entrance is too loud.
It‌ attracts the attention of others, and if it is me, I will ‌‌ set up an entrance that is both concealed and can be open many times.”

He stepped forward again and began to examine this small area carefully.

For a moment, Xiao Zhi’s gaze fell on a corner filled with gravel and dirt.
There were too many gravel piles in this corner compared with other areas, as if they were piled up deliberately to hide something.

Xiao Zhi stepped forward and gently removed a larger piece of gravel.

Soon, a finely carved object came out.
When the rubble in the way was cleared, a stone statue about half a man appeared in the corner.

The stone statue is very familiar.
From the clothes and appearance, it is Dana.

Unlike the one he saw on the forum before, Dana’s face is not covered by a veil, revealing bright facial features.
She didn’t hold the memory slab in his hand but had a wine glass with nothing in it.

Da Zhuang: “Huh? The stone statue is here, and it feels a bit strange.”

Xiao Zhi nodded: “For those of ants who did not bother building the passageway, they are all going to run away, so why bother using this statue? The Lord is right across the wall if you really want to be so loyal.
Just lie down and be buried with her.

“Unless…this is the key to the entrance.”

In the tomb of Dana, is it normal to get out? Of course, it was something related to Dana.
Even if someone accidentally saw it, it seemed that the fanatical supporters of the ant probably built it.
No one would suspect that it was actually related to escape.

The person who left this statue back then was really bold and careful.

Xiao Zhi squatted down to sift through the statue, and found a circle of fine lines in the wine glass.
This pattern is very familiar, like a teleportation array that can be seen in every city on the mainland.

It is pretty simplified, equivalent to the mark.

He suddenly understood.
Why is there no exit here? Because the exit was sealed at a particular stage of the construction of the passage, it was replaced by a small teleportation array set up in secret.
In this way, there is no mechanical mechanism that makes significant movements, and it was even more concealed.

“Teleportation Array!” Da Zhuang became excited.
He felt like following the big guys.
After being excited, he was puzzled: “But how can we activate the Teleportation Array?”

Xiao Zhi looked at the wine glass in the hand of Dana’s statue.
Does he need to pour her wine? But he doesn’t usually have a hobby of drinking, and he doesn’t carry anything like wine in his bag.

He rummaged through his backpack and looked if there was something for it, but ordinary water wouldn’t work.

Suddenly, a small bottle in the forgotten corner attracted Xiao Zhi’s attention.

It was something that Assen made when he was studying cooking skills.
It is called wine.
It tastes weird.
Just like its dark color, it makes people scared.

At that time, Xiao Zhi drank a sip and felt that he could see the realm of Asanasi.

To comfort Assen, he said he would take it slowly on the road, but he put it in his backpack and didn’t take it out, so he kept it until now.

He wondered if the Dana statue could accept this wine?

Although the taste is a little bit irritating, ‌ Isn’t it wine?

He reached the black liquid in Xiao Zhi’s hand, and his face was incredibly stiff: “Boss, who are you going to poison?”

He touched his furry lion face: “Is it me?!”

Xiao Zhi: “……”

For the sake of Assen’s face, he still shouldn’t say that this thing is actually the handmade work of a friend.

Xiao Zhi tried to pour the liquid in his hand into the cup held by the statue of Dana.
It was okay, and there was no sign of corrosion.

After another while, the liquid in the wine glass gradually reduced, and the statue of Dana slowly turned away, revealing the teleportation array that glowed slightly on the wall.

The moment Frost stepped into the main tomb, the lid of the nearby coffin suddenly opened, and a worker ant that had already turned into a living corpse popped out of it.

The sharp claws of the worker ants swung towards him fiercely, with a cold glow on it.
The target was the fragile neck of the human body.

Frost accurately raised the sword in his hand and cut it down with one blade.
The sword flashed in the air for a moment, and the worker ant’s body was suddenly divided into two halves.

The mutilated corpse lost the motivation to advance and had to fall down, raising a cloud of dust.

Frost is not interested in his work.
His pace is still steady, heading in the original direction.

Then, as he moved forward, successive coffins opened, and the worker ants inside continued to attack him.
They are already dead, and there is no fear or hesitation.
Killing is their only remaining instinct.

Frost walked to Dana’s coffin, and his face was not turbulent.

He kept swinging his sword and drove a path out of the corpse mountain step by step.
As he progressed, the roads on both sides were full of fallen corpses.
Such a scene made him look like a legendary demon.

When he got closer, the corpses of the male ants also got up from the coffin.

They all had perfect looks, but they are still dead at this moment.

The male ant, who was not good at fighting, was surrounded by black mist under his body.
He was obviously dying and possessed some other abilities.

They roared, rushing towards Frost in a twisted, weird posture, but they exploded as they were about to approach him.

The black mist instantly filled the air.
When it came into contact with the black fog, the delicate coffins on the ground soon began to fade and peel off as if they had experienced terrible corrosion.

Seeing the approaching black mist, Frost’s figure disappeared in place, and for a moment, he came out on the other side unscathed.

After this battle, the restless tomb once returned to silence.
‌ The mess shows how fierce the previous battle was.

Frost had already stood in front of the high platform.
He raised his leg and walked towards Dana’s coffin step by step.

The coffin is very exquisite, with gold all over.
The pictures on it were meticulously carved.

Each painting is a glorious deed in Dana’s life, from being crowned as an ant queen to fighting everywhere, executing traitors, slaughtering opponents.
She is a lofty Queen, and she holds power and dignity.

Unfortunately, her dynasty has ended and disappeared in time, leaving behind a lifeless tomb.

When Frost’s hand slowly placed on the coffin, the coffin vibrated violently, like a provoked queen, expressing her anger to the invader.

Frost spoke, his voice low and calm: “Wake up, then come out.”

As soon as his words fell, the lid of Dana’s coffin was lifted from the inside in an instant.
A beautifully lined arm stretched out from it, with five fingers together, fingertips with sharp nails, and it suddenly pierced towards Frost’s chest.

Frost ducked sideways.

Taking advantage of this gap, Dana finally came out of the coffin.

She is still as beautiful as when she was alive.
She has a plump and enchanting figure, with black curly hair draped over her shoulders.
She is wearing a gauze dress with priceless decorations.

Her skin is not radiant and rosy as it was before she was alive.
A hideous wound lay across her chest, vaguely able to reach the crushed heart in it.
Obviously, it was a fatal wound that killed her.

As a Queen, few people can survive until the end of their lives.
Dana is no exception.
In countless assassinations against her, most of them have failed.
The only success this time is enough to send her to the grave.

Her eyes also turned into a deep blue-gray color, full of lifelessness and murder, without the slightest sense of feelings.

Although she woke up from the dead, ‌ death also caused her to lose the natural ability to control people’s hearts during her lifetime.

Dana spoke, her voice hoarse and unpleasant: “Die…”

As a living corpse, she has no thoughts and feelings but is obsessed with killing people who disturb her.

She raised her hand and waved it gently in the air.
Following Dana’s actions, countless minor bugs emerged from the initially calm ground.
They followed the owner’s instructions and rushed to the high platform to attack Frost.

Frost’s blade swung out as if condensed with persistent killing intent, and the sword shattered all the bugs that dared to approach him.
‌The insects were not afraid and still attacked him without fear.

Taking advantage of this opportunity ‌, Dana’s mouth chanted a curse.

With her voice, the memory tablet in her hand began to glow, and the red mist gradually spread from her body and gradually obscured Frost’s sight.

His sight was blocked, Frost clenched the sword in his hand and calmly responded to the possible surprise attack.

A feeling of danger struck from his back.
He raised his sword to block, and with a “ding,” the blade collided with Dana’s sharp nails, making a crisp sound.

“Ding Ding Ding Ding——”

The successive attacks came from the fog, all of which were resolved by Frost.

Suddenly, a red light struck him from the gap of the attack.
The speed of the light was extremely fast, and it submerged in his forehead in an instant.

Frost suddenly forgot that he was in the battle.
He is the Asanasi he is familiar with.
At this moment, he was standing under the big white tree, and a figure was sleeping not far away.

That person is also familiar to Frost, and he seems to have been like this for a long time.
For as long as he can remember, this person was always in his heart.

The man slept deeply, his eyes closed tightly, and he went up very peacefully.
Frost couldn’t help stepping forward.
He wanted to wake up the other person and tell him not to… what?

Frost couldn’t remember.
He slowly sat beside the man, stretched out his hand, and tried to touch the man’s face.

His closed eyes suddenly opened, and the whole Hessian seemed to wake up in an instant with vitality.

The man blinked, turned his eyes to Frost, smiled, and said, “Good morning.”

Frost replied subconsciously: “Good morning.”

This scene seems to have appeared in his memory many times, but at the same time, it appears that it has never happened.
A trace of doubt arose in his mind, and soon this doubt was dispelled by the opponent’s actions.

The man sat up from the ground, stretched out his hand, and pulled a piece of black weed on the grass, and his fingertips flew flexibly.

Frost was attracted by his actions and couldn’t help but let his gaze follow the other’s fingertips.

Soon, a small black snake formed on the man’s fingertips.
He picked up the little snake that had just been woven, and handed it to Frost: “Here you are, the six hundredths I said before.

Frost stretched out his hand and took it carefully.
He clearly remembered that they were talking about it last night, but there is always a feeling in his heart that he has waited for a long, long time.

He couldn’t help but look up at the little snake in his hand.
As he remembered, it was still such exquisite and delicate handwork, and it was stained with the residual temperature in that man’s hand.



The six hundredth does not seem to be like this!

An empty and quiet room suddenly appeared in his memory.
There was a magic circle full of many black snakes.
They were all dry and faded, and there was a difference.

Some bewildered thoughts became clear instantly.
Frost suddenly raised his head.
‌ There was someone with a familiar face in front of him.
Obviously, it is the most familiar face in his memory, but it seems to be separated by an intangible barrier, always seemingly false.

The person showed him a constant gentle smile.
Even the smile arc is the one he remembers most: “What’s the matter, Assen?”

This person is fake.
It was Dana who read his memory with the memory tablet, combined with the expectation in his heart, and it wove him a sweet trap.

Frost did not speak.
He raised his hand and slashed forward with a sword.

Frost’s sword instantly broke the illusion that had been woven, and the smiling figure disappeared immediately.
There was still a familiar sight in front of him, and there was a sharp claw attacking him.

In order to avoid the blade, Dana’s claws suddenly retracted, but it was still scratched across the back of her hand, and the blade almost cut off her palm.

The red mist gradually dispersed, Frost’s platinum-gold eyes locked on Dana.
He launched the next round of offensive.

At this time, there was a lot of movement on one wall of the main tomb ‌.

During the battle, Frost and Dana fought each other while paying attention to this sudden change.

“Sha Sha Sha…”

“Oh, so tired.
When is it going to dig?”

“It’s coming soon.
It’s this direction according to my family’s ancestral tradition.”

“What does your family do? Do you still have this ability?”

“In the age of the earth, it was inverted.
It wasn’t me who played it.
At that time, my family was famous for dragon hunting and acupuncture.
I didn’t expect that I could experience it here after so many years.”

“Sha Sha Sha…”

“‌…This is an ant den.
Is it the same as a human tomb?”


“It makes sense, eh…”

“Oh, dig first, I’m live broadcasting, so hurry up!”

“If you have the ability, then do it!”

“Here’s the shovel.
Please start your show!”

Along with the sound of digging, a hole in a wall in the main tomb quietly appeared.
Then a series of players came out of it.

These guys didn’t think so much.
They actually planned to enter the main tomb by digging holes, and what is unexpected is that they really succeeded in getting in.

Whether it is more thanks to luck or the ancestral skill of searching for dragon points is really good, which crosses the differences between species and cultures.

“You guys, this is the main burial chamber! The quality of these funeral coffins is so good, and the other funerary objects are more powerful!”

“Fuck! It’s really the main burial chamber.
It’s so awesome…”

“Big Brother, do you still lack successors in your craftsmanship?”

“I will give you a live broadcast to get rich overnight.
Hey, other players are willing to think that professional technical people are on our side.
This time, we have gained the most.”

“Wait…you, why are the funeral coffins empty? Where are the people buried in it?”

“This is also empty .”

“This way too!”


“Corpses are piled here!”

This shout attracted the players’ attention, and they went all the way to a road paved with corpses.
The tragic condition of these corpses is like a watermelon that has been raged.

“Is someone leading?”

“How many people are here? Have they already wiped out this place?!!!”

“Shhh, look, the one on the stage.
He looks like the master of Hessian?”

‌ The player followed and looked ‌ to the high platform in the distance.
On the platform, two figures were fighting against each other.
One of them was obviously an Ant-Man, the other was black, and a silver hair flashed through the moving room.

It seems that Lord Hessian is fighting with Dana.

The players were stunned in an instant.
They did not expect that they were faster than other players, but it was lucky that they did not come at the same time with him.
Any of the two ancestors on the stage could send them back to cool off.

“What to do?”

“Should we slip first?”

“I can’t bear to accompany the funeral goods.
That’s an opportunity to get rich overnight, ah, death is a matter of a while, and poverty is a lifetime matter.”

“Try fishing in troubled waters? They are so engaged, and they may not notice us.”

At this time, they don’t know if the two heard their conversation.
Lord Hessian and Dana in the battle glanced at them at the same time.

They faced each other, and the scene was a bit awkward for a while.

The audience in the live broadcast room expressed their delight at this scene:

【Hahahahahahaha, I really didn’t expect this god to unfold! 】

[Unexpectedly, +1, I thought the live broadcast ‌ ended when they were killed by the agency or beaten to death by Dana]

[The Lord of Hessian wants to provide you with a luxurious bento set]

【Guess whose hand they died on】

[I vote for Dana, home-court advantage]

【Dana, do as you please in your countryside】

[I think the bento is better from Hessian, an old brand, and it has never disappointed]

【Up, up, up! ! Touch the spoils in the battlefield of two big bosses, just think about it as excitement]

‌ Players discussed for a while and decided whether to stay.
What if they could pick up a leak?

Dana and Frost on the high platform are still fighting.
Although there is an Asanasi from the audience, their strength is too weak to change the current situation.


In the rough secret escape tunnel.

Xiao Zhi looked at the transmission array that came out of the mausoleum.
The area of the transmission array was tiny, but even if it was a big slap, the transmission distance should not be far.
The location of the main tomb was very close here.

It is troublesome to step on this half-human height and vertical angle.
After thinking about it, Xiao Zhi pressed his hand on it.

In an instant, the transmission of Sinorama flashed, and Xiao Zhi disappeared from the place.


On the high platform, Dana gradually fell into a disadvantage in the battle with Frost.

She lost her natural fascination ability.
If she competed purely for melee combat ability, even if she had become a hard-living corpse, she would still not be Frost’s opponent.

Dana kept retreating, and the offensive was not as violent as before.

The sound of footsteps came from the mouth of the main tomb, and the player who entered the tomb through sneaking while the two were fighting method touched the coffin on the ground and tried to find the burial objects while heading in the direction where the sound came from.

They are a four-person team.

They are well-dressed with neat equipment, and the weapons in their hands are not ordinary store goods.
Their professions are also well matched with melee, long-range, and auxiliary, and they feel like an elite team.

Swordsman, mage, gun expert, priest.

There were originally five of them, but unfortunately, an assassin called [Your father] died.
He died shortly after entering the exploration dungeon.
It is said that a black robe fire magician killed him.

When the assassin was in the weak period of resurrection, he couldn’t participate in the battle.
There were four good people.

Their captain is called [Your uncle].
He was a swordsman in the team.
[e/n: funny names lol]

The four of them looked around the situation in the main cemetery and posted a squad sneaking around in the corner.
However, they directly ignored the people and fought on the high platform.

“It’s Lord Hessian and Dana!”

“The ants seem to be unable to hold it anymore, shall we…”

“Come on, grab the ants! Watch out for sneak attacks, and don’t be hit by Lord Hessian.”

The people approached the platform decisively.

The team of four discussed in a low voice:

“They want to grab the treasure from Lord Hessian?”

“Should we tell them that these lying all over the floor are all masterpieces of that ancestor?”

“Follow him.
We should be responsible for eating melons.”

“Although I have guessed the ending…”

“Me too.”

Frost was fighting with Dana, and suddenly a sharp cone of ice hit his back.
Frost moved slightly, avoiding the attack.

He looked and saw an ice mage standing in the distance, singing spells right in front of him.

Then there were two “bangs” gunshots from his side.
The target pointed directly at his head.
Frost’s figure flashed and moved slightly away from Dana’s side.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, [Your uncle] suddenly jumped out from below the high platform and slammed his sword into Dana’s ‌back.

As expected, Dana was not lightly injured under the attack of Lord Hessian, and she was about to lose her footing.
He needed a hard blow at her critical point.
He can immediately snatch Dana’s head.

However, he took advantage of the moment of Dana’s death to pick up the drop, and even if Lord Hessian responded to a move to kill him for a second, he had nothing to lose.

The sword went smoothly.
It pierced Dana’s back directly and came out through the chest.
Dana fell like this without any struggle.
The stone slab in her hand fell to the ground and turned into nothing.

[Your uncle] was so happy before he died he took the tablet one step forward.

At this time, as the ants died utterly, the whole tomb began to vibrate.

Large slabs peeled off the wall, and the delicate dome fell downwards.
It happened that a huge stone slammed down from above and hit the Lord of Hessian not far away.

Lord Hessian swung his sword desperately to resist.
‌ The rock was big and heavy, and with an irresistible falling force, it pressed him down firmly.

Lord Hessian struggled, trying to get up.
However, starting from his shoulder, the body underneath was completely suppressed, and he couldn’t use any force at all.

It is almost like being slaughtered.

[Your uncle] couldn’t help feeling ecstasy.
This is like heaven helping him! Could it be that today is the day when he notes that he would be named in the ZERO world history, double-killing Dana and Lord Hessian? No one in the mainland can do it.

He was right in front of him!

[Your uncle] raised his sword and slammed it at the Lord of Hessian on the ground.

After today, he is the most powerful player on the mainland! ! ! What secret fire Mo Ruoye, Mo Longinus, and so on??

The only one who can kill two bosses is him!

His sword pierced Lord Hessian’s neck, but the feeling from the tip of the blade was empty, as if he did not pierce the entity but pierced a mass of air.

Before your uncle died, there was a hint of doubt in his heart.
At the same time, there was a sense of crisis like acupuncture.

Suddenly, Dana’s lifeless face appeared in front of [Your uncle].

That face was very close to him, and her forehead was almost against his forehead.
Her gray eyes were staring at him, and he could smell the antiseptic spices on Dana’s body.

Dana has experienced countless assassinations in her life.
It has become her instinct to fight back against the assassin, not to mention that the swordsman’s assassinations are full of flaws, far more than the top assassins she killed.

How could such a trick hit her?

[Your uncle] understood that everything just now was an illusion, he didn’t know what really happened, and then he died.

‌Yes, ‌It was too late to understand.
He felt that his eyes were dark, but he didn’t say anything.

Seeing that Dana severely wounded the captain, the other three in the team panicked.
Lord Hessian rushed to the mage at this time, and the blade swept towards him.

The mage felt anxious and ran away, yelling as he ran: “Quick, quick, quick, give me a shield!!”

The priest heard the words and immediately began to sing, and then a shield was placed on Lord Hessian.

Priest: “……”

Mage: “Which side are you from!!!”

Pastor: “Who told you to be in a snake-like position!! I can’t aim at it!!”

Mage: “I—”

The sword had arrived before he finished speaking and sent him directly back to the resurrection point.

The remaining gun experts and priests were not spared either.
Lord Hessian and Dana quickly dealt with them.

The two sides fought fiercely.

After another round of attacks, Frost found the opportunity and pierced Dana’s chest with a sword.
The original fatal injury was attacked.
Dana suddenly stiffened and was nailed to the coffin.

This level of damage is not enough to completely kill the living corpse, but it ‌ is enough to make her temporarily lose the ability to resist.
Frost is not interested in killing her.
What he wants has always been a memory slab.

Frost stepped forward, preparing to take away the memory slab from Dana’s hand.


The feeling of teleportation dissipated.
According to the previous speculation, this should be the main tomb.

But at this moment, Xiao Zhi’s eyes saw silvery-white, and a figure in black armor was standing in front of him.
The distance between the two was almost less than a punch.

The silvery-white that occupies a large area of ​​his sight is this man’s hair.

Although the distance was a little too close, Xiao Zhi still recognized that this figure was seen from a long distance before.
He had issued a wanted order for him, and he had also sent a death sentence to the player on the spot-Lord Hessian.

To make matters worse, because of the need to touch the teleportation array, Xiao Zhi’s hand is maintaining the state of extending forward.

To maintain the convenience of movement, some parts of the armor are not covered with hard metal, such as… the butt.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi’s extended hand just fell on the butt of Lord Hessian in front of him.

This is not over.
Life is impermanent.
Sometimes, you break through your imagination when you think you are unlucky enough.

Although the person turned his back to Xiao Zhi, he reached a loose silver hair.
At such a close distance, Xiao Zhi could clearly smell the scent of Hessian’s unique bitter wood on his body.

The smell is clearly a scent, but it makes people feel the bone marrow is cold, and there is a feeling that strangers should not enter.

The moment he smelled the scent, Xiao Zhi asked who this person was–


In Xiao Zhi’s mind, four bold, bright, and special-effect sounds flashed across his mind:

God– to– die– I–.

Is he? Is he the Lord of Hessian? ? ? ! ! ! !

Assen posted a wanted poster for him? ? ? ! ! !

Assen, why should he be in front of him at this time and this distance? ? ? ! ! !

Xiao Zhi never expected that they would meet again after a long time.
Before he had time to speak, he just came out of thin air, and then trivially touched the human butt.

This is a death flag.

He still has a Hessian wanted notice on him.
It is not a harmonious and friendly time to meet.

However, a strange thought came out in Xiao Zhi’s mind——

Although some people are cold, they are actually… quite soft…

Although countless thoughts have been transferred through his mind, in fact, only a short second has passed.

Within this second, the world seemed to have pressed the pause button.

Xiao Zhi suffered a disproportionate impact, and the players on the scene did not figure out the situation.
Frost also fell into a short period of unexplained stiffness.

The live broadcast room is already boiling.

From the point of view of the live broadcast of the four-man team, they could not see where Xiao Zhi’s hand fell.

‌ Seeing Lord Hessian’s back, a ray of light shone out of thin air, but suddenly a figure in a black cloak appeared, and Lord Hessian froze instantly.

The people who like to dress like this on the mainland are the Asanasi people.

[This should be a knife to Lord Hessian, backstab? 】

[Fuck, awesome…]

【Dare to stab the Lord of Hessian back.
The assassin is so powerful! I want to change job! ]

【No! Black robe! This is a mage! Fire mage! 】

【Is the mage so rigid? ! ! ! 】

[Boss, you are so courageous! ! 】

[Is the magic and martial arts dual cultivation really awesome, ‌Is too good to ‌practice? ! 】

[Wait…how do I think this black robe is a bit familiar]

Because of this incredible scene, the players have fallen into a frenzy ‌.

After a brief shock, he still regained his sanity.
He has encountered countless people who wanted to assassinate him, but none of them dared to do such abusive things to him.

A dangerous and cold breath filled his body, and the killing intent spread out silently.

Frost turned his head slowly, and he wondered who was so bold.

Of course, Xiao Zhi also noticed Assen’s movements.
Assen turned towards him a little bit.
He had reached the tip of the opponent’s tall nose, a little bit, and he would be sent to die!

Xiao Zhi’s heartbeat suddenly soared, and he felt that his heart was out of control, almost out of the shackles of his chest.

The players who know nothing about the truth waited with bated breath to develop things.
Is it the Boss who successfully assassinated the Lord of Hessian, or the Lord of Hessian counter-killing the Boss?

Unexpectedly, the person who suddenly appeared under everyone’s eyes, just like when he appeared, suddenly disappeared.

【Disappeared? 】

[Invisibility? ? ? 】

[No, the invisibility technique has a pre-movement, he didn’t move]

[Then this is ‌ What is the situation? ! ! 】

[Does this scene resemble the legend, the disconnection of the earth network era? 】

[Impossible, how come it still happens at this age? Some people are still offline.
Is it the ancient physical wired network of the earth age used in the museum]

[The network speed is slow, and the transmission is unstable.
‌ Do you need to use the wired network of the accelerator to play the game? Does the Boss love retro life so much?

【‌Thinking that it will cost N suites to build this kind of network, right? 】

[Impossible, how to play ZERO on that kind of network]

[ZERO was first operated under that kind of network environment]

[You guys are not ‌‌‌In this age.
How can‌ ZERO be the same as in the past? The data flow is so much larger.
It is not the kind that Grandpa.com can afford]

[You have all taken the topic off the track, I just wonder how the Boss disappeared]

[I think it may be a teleportation item, there are so many hidden items on the mainland, there are some we haven’t seen before]

[It may also be a hidden skill, here is an exploration copy, it’s not weird to get ‌]

[This is so daring that a high-level artisan is brave, and he will leave after he is stabbed, without giving people the opportunity to look back ‌, prick-excited]

[Thorn-Excite +1]

【Prickly-Excite +2】


The audience in the live room was discussing intensely, while the four-person team was quiet as a chicken.

‌Yes, the whole space can still move, only they are left with the… Obviously, a Hessian Lord who wants to dominate people.

They opened their eyes and looked at the Lord of Hessian, glanced at their bodies, and then turned their heads back.

“Should we say something?”

“Vote, vote sincerely?”

“Can he spare us?”


“Perhaps in his eyes, our level of approximation does not exist? Don’t talk, pretend that we are decorations…”

“It makes sense…”

In the next instant, Lord Hessian withdrew his gaze, reached out, and took away the memory tablet in Dana’s hand.

The four-person team quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

It may be that it is not easy for the players to come home from a long distance.
Lord Hessian suddenly swung his sword and sent them back to the realm of Asanasi in a kind, friendly, and caring manner.

In the realm of Asanasi.

“Fuck-it’s none of our business! We are not the same as the backstab guy!”

“He is cruel.
He is unreasonable, and he is unreasonable to make trouble!!!”

“I think it is a miracle that he can bear us for so long…”

The author has something to say:
Meet up! (The back is also the face) There is also intimate contact and touch, rounded up.
This is a tricycle without wheels and frames!

Is it warm? Is it sweet? Hahahahahahahahahahaha~
T/N: I actually plan on translating two chapters today but omg this chapter is 6k++ long that I nearly gave up on translating this part.

E/N: This chapter is so long T^T

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