Emperor Cervantez looked across the room as he had a wide smirk on his face. Each and ever nation here had a complicated history with Hazelgroove kingdom. For generations his family had suffered defeats after defeats. Humiliation after humiliation , now was the time to pay it back.

He said ” Envoys of the Lizardman kingdom , tell King Atlas , Emperor Cervantez sends his regards, we wish to continue the trade of fish and rice with other minerals with utmost sincerity . Wishing to increase output on both ends ”.

It was a positive response for the Kingdom of lizardmen…. They were happy with this stance of the Emperor.

The envoy immediately bowed and said ” Itzzzzzz ourrr pllleaassurreezzzz lblblb ”. As he performed a polite bow.

Cervantez continued ” With the kingdom of Elves , we wish to continue our amicable relations , as neithbours. We of the Hazelgroove fully support the cause of the Elves as the ruler of the ancient forest and will continue to help them incase of any acts of external aggression ”.

This was a stance of a ally! Cervantez wanted no conflict with the Elves , Hazelgroove kingdom had three kingdoms neighbouring it ’s border and Cervantez was sure to start a fight with one( or maybe two ) , hence he did not want a three way war with three powers at a time . Wisely choosing to ally with the kingdom of Elves as a reason.

To this Ruby immediately replied ” The Kingdom of Elves will also come to the aid of the Hazelgroove kingdom , in-case on an act of aggression on its territories. We support your claim over the lands of Hazelgroove empire ”.

It was a bold statement …. She mentioned Hazelgroove empire and not kingdom . Her words caused many low murmurings throughout the entire room.

However a firm thump of Patricia ’s leg on the ground , that caused the ground to shake a little later , it was eerily quiet.

Patricia said ” THE EMPEROR IS SPEAKING ! ”.

Cervantez continued his greetings of each and every kingdom , where he mentained neutrailty and agreed to trade , untill the last two kingdoms were left . Hazelgroove ’s immediate Neighbours, Nineclouds Kingdom and Aquahose Kingdom.

The most recent one to rebell against Hazelgroove kingdom was the Aquahose Kingdom. During the time of his great grandfather , this was the last territory that they had lost , that rose to its own independence.

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