Rudra was shocked, his head was aching too severely , however if he clutched his head in pain for too long infront of his family, they would undoubtedly worry.

His mom and Naomi were already throwing him glances of worry , and he needed to react quickly.

Smiling at them as if he was just in deep thought , Rudra casually chatted for 20 seconds before making an excuse to go to the bathroom.

Once he locked the bathroom however he crashed on the floor clutching his head in pain as he tried to redirect the flow of mana away from his eyes as fast as possible.

In his attempt to do so he channeled it through his palms as although he did not consciously try to do it , he used the move darkness blast in real life , as his muscle memory kicked in when he would redirect mana to his palms as he blew up the imported toilet seat in his bathroom.


The explosion rattled Rudra as everyone in the house Panicked as to what happened. However Rudra only looked at his palms in anxiety and started to wonder what the fuck was going on?

He was having his own Spiderman moment as he did not understand the source or reason behind his powers , however once his brain calmed down and he silenced the banging sounds of the relatives outside the bathroom , he started to understand everything that was going on.

Since the start the only reason why Omega was able to affect his real body while playing the game was because the miraculous VR pods must be running on a technology that used mana.

Although Rudra had no idea how they harnessed it , but he was sure that the spinal needles injected into him everytime he gamed connected to his mana veins and somehow provided him with means to evolve in-game while using real mana.

His real body was altered in the process as after becoming a cultivator his muscle mass increased and his body ’s attinement to mana increased.

The meditation techniques he practiced refined the muscles in his body as they enriched them with a source of energy that was usually untapped , making him grow in real life just as he grew in-game.

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