hen Sun Lok needed assistance fighting, the dragon flicked its beard, let out a large ball of flame, and then leaped to the top of the structure.

Sun Lok, who was attempting to manage the dragon there, suddenly groaned as the dragon’s head approached the roof.

“It appears that I won’t need to use the Killing Curse.” Jerry’s ears twitched, and his face instantly calmed.

Sun Lok groaned softly, and sure enough, the enormous dragon with its head poking out also halted.
The enormous dragon that had transformed into a solid body fell to the ground immediately and reverted to its former appearance after two more muted groans.

Sun Lok’s magic has undoubtedly been dispelled.

Jerry glanced at Sun Lok there as he put the wizard’s robe away.
Sun Lok had already fallen to the ground, foaming at the lips, by this point, and the three black mamba snakes around Sun Lok revealed themselves.

It turned out that Jerry used the Snake Summoning Spell to summon three black mamba snakes and surreptitiously performed the Disillusionment Charm on them while Sun Lok was focusing on casting the Dragon Transmutation Spell.

Sun Lok’s flame shield was ineffective against three invisible black mamba snakes, who bit his calf numerous times before instantly poisoning him.

The advantages of learning additional spells are now made clear.
Several weak spells combined together can have an unexpected result.

Some people prefer to specialize in the study of magic.
In other words, they invest a lot of effort in studying a few spells that they deem to be the most useful and then use those spells to the fullest.

Some people opt to aim big.
Rather than combining spells, they study as many spells as they can, which will broaden the scope of their magic skills.

Lethality-wise, it must be stronger due to specialization, much like Harry, who depended on a Disarming Spell to fight Voldemort successfully.
Although while Hermione is skilled in a wide variety of spells, she lacks Harry’s magical strength.

Jerry is more likely to choose the second option by learning as many spells as possible.

He may emerge in multiple worlds in the future due to his unique circumstances, thus even if he specializes in a small number of the most potent spells, he may still be constrained.

Only by learning to master more spells can one be able to deal with it calmly, no matter what the environment is.

Also, he has always thought that no useless spell exists.
Even those can have a significant impact if the magic is applied properly.
Although they may appear pointless, Hair Growth Charm and Hair Loss Curse might be useful in certain circumstances.

Give yourself a Hair Loss Curse, for instance, in case an enemy pulls your hair while you’re fighting.
Alternately, you could cast a spell on an enemy if they desire to engage you in close combat.

Everyone has body hair, after all, and depending on the situation, allowing the other person trim or grow their hair might be beneficial.

The most crucial aspect is that Jerry believes if he solely focused on the lethality of magic and combat, he is an unworthy wizard.
Knowledge is the most vital asset for a wizard.

Only by mastering more magic knowledge and spells can one grasp the true meaning of magic at a deeper level.

He pulled out the antidote and proceeded to alleviate Sun Lok off the snake venom.
Jerry started searching for the magic ring since he had already put a Sleeping Charm on him.


It turned out that Sun Long didn’t wear any rings on his fingers except Chinese armor set that he used.


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