Mating A Human

01 | Run, Riss!

00 | Prologue

e turning eighteen after midnight, am I right? ” I turned around to face the elderly woman when she asked me from behind. I nodded slowly and nervously.

”Be prepared. The young master will mark you tonight. ”

What she said made me frown. What exactly does she mean?

”What do you mean? ” Instead of responding, she approached me and took off my bathrobe. I could not do anything but let her. Even if I try to stop her, she is much stronger than I am. Im just an ordinary human, unlike them.

I could feel the cold wind blowing from outside as she took off the only one I was wearing. They also bathed me earlier. I have nothing to hide. They saw everything I was hiding.

She grabbed a white dress and hurled it at me. ”Put it on. ”

I stared at the dress. Its a simple white sleeveless silk gown. I will put this on without any undergarments, huh?

I turned my attention to the elderly woman who was currently rearranging the furniture in the room.

”Im not gonna wear it, ” I insisted, causing her to stop. She looked at me as if she was saying I wouldn like what she would do if I disobeyed her.

”Fine! ”

Huh! As if I have choices! Unless I allow myself to remain naked all night.

I noticed her quick grin before she continued what she was doing. I couldn help but roll my eyes. This is so unfair! They always make me do something I don want to!

”Don be concerned. Youll take it off later to have sex with the young master. ”

My eyes widened as my lips parted.

”Wait, what?! ”

Im not sure how I ended up in this situation. It happened when I met that strange guy named Augustus and claimed I was his mate. I even had no idea they existed until months ago… when their kind murdered my parents.

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