With one glance, it would appear that she was into those things which couldn’t be mentioned.

Having driven through the dirt road and having reached the filming site, Ye Qing immediately picked out Xue Ninggong from the gathered crowd.

Clearly the costume designers for the movie didn’t possess the skills to create those tight fitting metal spacesuits, which was why they had resorted to metal paint and plastic pieces.
This would obviously be able to fool the eyes of the average joe, but for professionals like Ye Qing it was so easy to spot that it was just like taking candy from a baby.

“Hello, welcome President Ye.” Ding Yin warmly welcomed Ye Qing: “I appreciate the effort you have put in to complete this sudden order on your busy schedule.”

“Xue Ninggong’s my old classmate, I can’t not help here.” Ye Qing nodded: “Director, you should’ve mentioned this sooner.”

“This space suit of yours is very beautiful.” Having finished with Ding Yin, Ye Qing turned around to jokingly praise Xue Ninggong.

Xue Ninggong waved her arms around and the imitation plastic armor showed just how fake it was.

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“There’ll be special effects touch up in the last stages of production.” Xue Ninggong graciously accepted Ye Qing’s joke: “Originally what we wanted was some lightweight metal armor suit, but what our contactors made was armor similar to those used by 19th century heavy cavalry.”

“This was the film arms you made for us? Seems very high tech.” Xue Ninggong didn’t have much makeup on and had a very common hairstyle.
It seemed like she wanted to portray the character as a rustic alien beauty.

Xue Ninggong walked up next to the trailer beds and stood on her tiptoes as she stared at those silvery white squares.

From their outer appearance, they didn’t look like traditional film arms in any way.

Rather, they looked like lifters.

The film site had cranes already installed for moving heavy pieces, hence in no time, the two new ‘film Arms’ were both anchored into giant bases and the arm sections were being attached 10 meters at a time.

From the many of the cast and crew that came to watch, Ye Qing was even able to recognize and name several of the female stars.

As for those male ones, they were automatically ignored.

This was also one of the reason why he made this personal trip.
One, to see all these stars.
Second, to watch the never before seen film production procedures.
And finally, to see the ‘famous’ spaceship.

Yet no matter where Ye Qing looked, he couldn’t find a traces of the spaceship, leaving him completely disappointed.

“President Ye, are you sure these really are film arms?” Disregarding everything traditional about film arms, Ding Yin still couldn’t believe what was in front of him even after circling it multiple times: “Why doesn’t it have any cables?”

“Because there’s no use for something so outdated.” Ye Qing still had questions to ask: “Director, where is the spaceship?”

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Ding Yin was clearly embarrassed.
The film crew had always used cable supported film arms, which had now been called outdated.
Even the spacesuit had been made fun of, yet now he was pouring even more salt on the wound.

“Err…… no…… there’ll be no ship.” Ding Yin pointed to the specifically cleared piece of land and embarrassingly said: “That’s the land used for the landed spaceship, but sadly we don’t possess the same skills as Hollywood to create life size models.”

“The spaceship will be completely CGed.”

“……” What else could Ye Qing say? What else could he expect from the domestic movie industry.

“President, so the price for these pieces of equipment?” Ding Yin quickly switched topics: “And what about their operations? Please excuse my ignorance, because we are used to using the traditional cable operated film arms.”

“We can discuss money later.” Ye Qing waved: “Our first thing should be to test the ability and functionality of these two arms.”

“No stop!”

A sudden yell, gave everyone near the arms a big scare.

The one who cried out was one of the engineers sent over to analyze data on the geography here from the weather station.

“Don’t test these arms under any circumstances.”

“Why?” Ding Yin asked out of suspicion.

“Because there are problems with the geography here.
As soon as southern winds gust, they’ll form a vortex above here.” The specialist commented seriously: “Right now it’s gusting at Category 6 winds above us and it’ll continue to grow.
Don’t mention 80 meters, even if it’s 20 meters, as long as it’s raised up, it’ll be mercilessly ripped apart.”

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