actice some magic.”
“You can use magic too, master!?”

“Well, I only just started learning, so I’m still a beginner.”
“You have a Gift and Leo…and sword and magic… You have so many talents!”


But I had only rescued and raised Leo, and I had no idea why I was given the Gift.

As for sword and magic, I had just started learning them, so it wasn’t anything impressive at all.


“Phew… Thank you for the tea.
It was delicious as always.”

“I’m glad that you enjoyed it.”
“You’re amazing, Ms.
Lyra… I’ll do my best so that I can brew tea like this.”


Not only Ms.
Lyra, but all of the tea brewed by the servants here tasted very good.

I didn’t know if it was their technique or the quality of the leaves, but drinking it really helped me to relax.

Sometimes, I felt that it was even more effective than the herbs, which was a strange feeling.

I would be glad if Milina was able to brew tea like this.


“While you are still a novice, we will be very thorough in teaching you.
Don’t worry about that, Milina.”

“Yes, I’ll do my best.”

“It’s easy once you know what to do.
Also, it’s about feeling.”


Lyra then started to lecture her on how to brew tea.

Something about thinking about who will drink it, etcetera.

I ignored most of it while I watched Tilura train, and Leo run around the garden while carrying Sherry.


I think I will practice my magic first.”


Now that Ms.
Lyra’s lecture was finished, I ended my break and got back to my feet.


“What about the herbs?”
“Well, it’s supposed to be dangerous to use it too much at once.
So, I guess you’ll have some free time…”
“But I’m sure watching you use magic will be quite entertaining.”


I talked with Milina as I went over what Sebastian had taught me yesterday.

I directed my consciousness towards the magic energy, and searched for the warmth.

And then I moved the energy so that it gathered in my palm.


“Light Elemental Shine.”


And then just like yesterday, a bright light appeared in my hand.


“Yes, I can do it just fine.”

“That is so bright.
What brilliant magic.”
Yes, but this is all that I can do now.”


After that, I repeated the process of detecting, chanting and activating several times.

What I noticed while doing it, was that I could activate it with very little magic energy.
I suppose it was because it was such a simple spell.

And so I continued to practice until Ms.
Gelda called us for lunch.


In fact, any ‘Shine’ magic could be activated with little energy.

And by not having to move much energy, I would be able to activate it swiftly.

Magic that required a lot of energy was difficult, but Shine didn’t even take much concentration.

And while it might still leave me open momentarily if used during battle, I could still take the enemy by surprise once I got used to it.

It was simple magic that could be very effective.
That’s why Sebastian had taught it to me.


As I headed towards the dining hall, I thought about the magic that I was practicing.

Apparently, Milina had rarely seen magic, and she never looked bored as she had watched me activating it.

And in spite of knowing that it was beginner magic, I couldn’t help but feel pleased at how impressed she was.

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