o do so eventually to save the slaves, but I think it would be better to start somewhere else.

We do not know if there are inhabited villages beyond this forest, but we should explore the surrounding area.

If there are villages beyond the forest, we should first think about what kind of contact we are going to have with them.
If we can exchange things for money, we should do so, but since we have no idea what these people will be like, so we need to proceed with caution.

In any case, in order to start doing business with money, I propose we explore a wider area around us.”

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Says Miss Lan, and people discuss their views and opinions on the matter.

I agree that we should expand our area of activity.
I’m also scared because we don’t know what’s going to happen, but I know we can’t really make a place where everyone can be at peace if we just continue living the way we are.

It’s dangerous, but I made a promise with Gaius.

I peek towards him, and see him looking at Miss Lan with a serious look on his face.
The conversation we had, and the vow we made that day left a strong mark on my mind.

Gaius said he didn’t want what happened to his father to happen ever again, and that he didn’t want the people he cared about to be in danger.

His wish turned into everyone’s wish, and we’re all working to slowly make it come true.
But if we’re scared of change, that will never happen.
We can’t do it while keeping the village locked.

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“I agree, with Miss Lan.
We should work hard, to not let anyone, be in danger.”

I say after being quiet this whole time.

I want to keep moving forward, for the sake of that vow.

Some people voice concerns over Miss Lan’s proposal, but in the end, we decide to start working towards getting money.
I think everyone understands that it’s better in the long run to take action for the sake of our ultimate goal, than to continue living as we have been.

Some people are opposed to it until the end, but it can’t be helped.
It’s hard for everyone to have the same opinion on something.

—Girl and meeting – Part two

(It’s decided that the miko’s village will no longer be closed off.
What this decision will bring, no one yet knows.)

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