had finally been put down.
She had finally believed that Yang Chen had never truly hated her.

Seeing the woman’s satisfied expression, Yang Chen said movingly, “Ruoxi, have you noticed it yet? We’re becoming more and more like a normal couple.”

“Huh?” Lin Ruoxi raised her head, evidently confused by what that meant.

“We have given each other the cold shoulder, bickered, argued, interacted, and reconciled.
You felt anxious for me, and I’ve considered your needs…… Actually, these things are matters that that ordinary couples experience in their daily lives.
No couple could be together and remain harmonious and loving forever.
Small fights between couples always bring about a feeling of freshness and comprehension about the other partner.
But of course, we are still missing some elements, like talking to each other sweetly, or helping each other, or understanding and forgiving……” Yang Chen slowly said, “However, I think that we are progressing to the most beautiful finish line.
Someday, we can also possess the feeling of happiness that ordinary couples possess.
As long as there is mutual trust between us, this day won’t be too far.
Look, hasn’t the current you already accepted me calling you dear little Ruoxi and darling Ruoxi?”

Saying that, Yang Chen winked at her.

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Lin Ruoxi was rather charmed, she nonchalantly smiled and nodded, “I will work hard to change.
The next time you go for a business trip, I will call you to ask how you’re doing.”

Yang Chen didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry, it seemed like this girl had understood what he said as her needing to give him a call when he goes overseas for a business trip.
Therefore he quickly explained, “Not just on this matter, many small details in life are great ways for us to be closer.
For example, we could occasionally send each other gifts, or go out to walk on the streets, or watch a movie, or go to a restaurant to try some foods that we usually don’t get to eat.
I believe that that kind of life would be a good experience for the both of us.

Lin Ruoxi’s face was red as she said, “I don’t really know about those……”

Seeing his ice-cold wife suddenly seem like a teenager in love that was full of innocence, Yang Chen found this fresh, and also felt playful.
He moved his hand to cover the left side of his chest, and pretended to be suffering.
He even grunted like he was in pain.

Sure enough, Lin Ruoxi became nervous, “Yang Chen, what happened? Are you hurt? Didn’t say you were fine earlier!?”

“Hehe, I wanted to conceal it from you.
I was a little grazed by a bullet, but luckily, it isn’t serious.” Yang Chen “painfully” said.

Once Lin Ruoxi heard “grazed by a bullet,” she urgently asked, “What should we do then? Let me send you to the hospital right now!”

“There’s no need……” Yang Chen earnestly said, “Put your hand right here on my chest, touch around it and rub it, and I will feel a lot better……”


Lin Ruoxi didn’t think much of it.
She just reached out her fair and slender palm, and placed it on Yang Chen’s chest.

Suddenly, Lin Ruoxi’s movements came to a stop, her watery eyes which were filled with worry suddenly had suspicion mixed in it.
Gradually, the suspicion thickened, and her deeply concerned face had restored to its usual cold countenance, and was even colder than normal.

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Lin Ruoxi sneered as she asked Yang Chen, “What kind of gun wound is it that all I need to do is rub it for you to feel better?”

Yang Chen knew that his little trick had been seen through by Lin Ruoxi who regained her calm, and could only curry favor with her by laughing.

“Yang Chen! You just talked about mutual trust! You… you lied to me so quickly!!!”

After a screech, the car shook, and under the astonished gazes of the people in the surroundings, Yang Chen scurried out of the passenger seat.
He didn’t even close the door, and fled the scene with his tail between his legs!

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