a smile, indicating that he had not.

Tang Wan shook her head and sighed.
“Do you know what dish she fancies?”

Yang Chen pondered as he frowned.
“I know that she loves glutinous rice balls.
I bought them for her before, and she ate it secretly after I left.
She was so embarrassed at that time.

“I’m talking about a dish, not snacks.” Tang Wan glared at him in dissatisfaction.
She then asked, “Do you know of her past?”

“Past? Are you referring to the deaths of her parents or something?” asked Yang Chen.

“No,” Tang Wan replied, “Do you know what schools she attended? What was her favourite past time? Which university she went to and what her life there was like? Also, do you know any of her current hobbies? What does she hate or like? For example, colors, fashion styles, sports, art genre, music, etc.
Do you know her preference for all of these?”

Yang Chen was stunned.
Soon, he shook his head.
“Why should I know all this?”

Tang Wan let out yet another long sigh.
Rolling her eyes, she said, “Judging by your silly look, I can tell that you understand nothing at all.”

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“What don’t I understand?” Yang Chen felt gloomy and his mind got stuck.

Slowly, Tang Wan asked, “Why do you think a couples date before marriage?”

“It is of course for them to know each other better, and see if they’re suitable together,” replied Yang Chen.

“That’s right.
You and Lin Rouxi got married so suddenly without even falling in love.
Perhaps you assumed that your daily interactions would be enough to get to know her.
However, despite being unfamiliar with Lin Ruoxi, I know that she’s known for her coldness.
Why would she ever open up and tell you about herself? Also, for an unfaithful man like you, it’s even stranger for her to start any deep conversations with you! Looking at how you’re always with other women.
You’re lucky she’s not asking for a divorce!”

Staring at Yang Chen, Tang Wan continued, “You didn’t know her that well to begin with, and there really was no spark between the both of you.
Even if something you did later made her fall for you, it doesn’t mean she would tolerate your behaviour.

“For a proud woman like her who holds so many qualities to her name, why would she be willing to share her man with other women for no reason?”

Yang Chen was dumbstruck. Yeah, why would she do that?

Yang Chen looked no different from a fool, which made Tang Wan feel rather helpless.
“You know nothing.
You shouldn’t think about how to make her obey.
Letting her know that she’ll lose isn’t the way to go.
Instead, you need to let her realize that she can’t lose you, so that she’ll be willing to sacrifice for you! You must be the most important thing in her heart.
Prove it to her, understand?!”

Yang Chen couldn’t comprehend clearly.
After a short moment, he asked, “How do I prove it to her?”

“Are you brainless?” scolded Tang Wan.

Yang Chen swallowed his saliva audibly.
Once the usually gentle and elegant woman got mad, even he would be frightened.

Tang Wan clenched her teeth and said, “Having said so much, all I need you to take away is—while you have shown your worth, you haven’t proven to Lin Ruoxi why you deserve a place in her heart! That’s because you don’t know her enough.
You never bothered to get to know her for who she is.

“You have been dominant for too long, which is why you think women revolve around you.
However, it has caused you to be blind to certain things.
You feel that everything will be fine as long as you love each other.
Actually, the fault lies in you being superficial.
Do you think us women are as casual as you?

“Even the most ordinary couple out there gift roses, but you haven’t even gotten Lin Ruoxi flowers, much less a wedding ring.
How do you expect her to feel that you treat her as your only wife?

“Don’t think that she doesn’t care about that just because she’s wealthy.
And don’t think that just because she’s usually cold, she doesn’t care about the most minute matters in life.

“Will any women buy a wedding ring for themselves? Will they gift roses to themselves?

“Lin Ruoxi indeed doesn’t lack either of those.
Furthermore, many men would be willing to give it to her.
But does it really compare to her love giving it to her? If it is you, her husband, who gave her, will the value of the gifts still be the same?

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“It’s because all this seems so distant to her that she hopes to depend on a dependable man, to live an ordinary life.

“Now that I’ve said so much already, does your pig head understand now?”

Yang Chen gazed upon Tang Wan’s reddened face, his mind overwhelmed.
As if a dazzling light shone upon him, he was suddenly enlightened!

Yeah, why am I always thinking about making her obey, but not how to change her mind instead?

Why do I always need my women to change for me, while I never put in more effort for them?

I don’t even know what color my wife likes, and what dishes she fancies.
Why did I then expect her to accept me?

Yang Chen, oh, Yang Chen.
You’re indeed an idiot! he thought.

“You have to treat her well enough.
So well that she has no reason to reject you, and not forcefully make her lower her price.
Do you understand?” Tang Wan was worried that Yang Chen didn’t get it, so she highlighted the important parts once again.”

Frowning, Yang Chen raised his head and stared at her.
“Tang Wan, what should I do? After listening to what you said, I suddenly feel the urge to do you now.”

Tang Wan was confused, trying to figure out what ‘do you’ meant.
When she finally got it, she hit Yang Chen’s shoulder in embarrassment.
“You sir are a gone case! I was talking about something serious, but your mind has wandered yet again! It’s no wonder Lin Ruoxi pulled that stunt with you!”

“Hehe.” Yang Chen grabbed Tang Wan’s delicate wrist.
Smiling, he said, “You have enlightened me today.
That has made you look all the more pleasant and adorable now.
Mature women are indeed different.
Since there’s no one here, why don’t you surrender yourself now?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Yang Chen pulled Tang Wan’s mushy body toward himself, with his other arm holding her soft waist, causing their bodies to collide.

Tang Wan cried in shock.
In the next second, the man was right in front of her.
As their faces got closer, she shut her eyes and gave in.

However, her final bit of rationale made her block Yang Chen’s chest.
Panting, she said, “Do—don’t do this.
Not here.”

Yang Chen didn’t actually plan to do anything in the backyard.
All he wanted was frighten her a little.
With a naughty smile, he said, “Why not? Don’t worry, if someone really approaches, I’ll surely notice it.”

“It’ll be too late by the time someone comes,” begged Tang Wan.

Right at the next moment, by the backyard’s entrance resounded a crisp, female voice.
“Mom! Mom! Where are you and Uncle?”

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