“You can drive back yourself since you’re not drunk.
I’m leaving.”

Yang Chen shot a gaze at her and turned around to leave.

Her face turned red in anger.

She walked up to Yang Chen and questioned him, “Yang Chen! Are you angry at me?! What did I do to deserve this?! Why bother coming if you aren’t willing to pick me up? If I recall correctly, it was you who called me first!”

Yang Chen took a deep breath and tried to talk to her calmly.
“If a man rushes over to pick up a woman whom he cares for deeply, but finds out that she lied to get his attention, what do you think he’s going to feel coming out from it? But that’s not the worst part.
You made a bet with your friends to see if I would get mad for being lied to.
What do you expect me to feel?”

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Liu Mingyu looked at him in a daze, unable to utter a single word.

Yang Chen’s voice deepened.
“I could understand if you want me to pick you up at midnight from a gathering after drinking heavily.
I could understand you getting drunk.
I could understand if you wanted to test me.
But, how could you use my feelings as a bet,? What am I? A clown for you guys to watch? Or an obedient dog that will play fetch with you?”

Regret flashed through her eyes and she lowered her head in guilt.

Yang Chen let out a breath and walked towards his car.

Liu Mingyu was stunned but she quickly ran behind him and hugged his waist from behind.
“Hubby, don’t be angry.
I know it’s my fault… I… I won’t do it again.”

Yang Chen kept quiet.

Liu Mingyu started to worry.
“They said I was lying about having a boyfriend since they’d never seen you before.
I wasn’t happy to hear that, plus I was drunk so we made a bet.
It was a rash decision.
You know I’ve never dated anyone before so I admit I’m still unfamiliar with some things.”

Yang Chen sighed and pulled her arms away.
He turned around to face her.
“It’s really late, you should go back.
I’m not in a good mood now but I’ll be fine by tomorrow.”

“I don’t want to!”

Her eyes were red and she said angrily, “Why must you do this to me?! I’ve already apologized to you! Being a woman doesn’t exempt me from making mistakes.
I’m not a saint! Why are you being so petty?! Just because I hurt your pride?”

This time it was Yang Chen’s turn to be confused.
He did not know where this was coming from.

“I know why,” she croaked out.
“It’s because I’m just an unimportant lover right? I’m not allowed to upset you.
That’s why you won’t forgive me right? I bet you were never as strict with President Lin as you are to me now!”

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Yang Chen’s head was pounding with every word.
“I’m not strict towards you, plus…”

“You are!”

He fell speechless.

“Every time she gets upset, you’ll get upset too.
But you always try to make her happy.
Are you confident in saying that she has never hurt you? What about that incident in Hong Kong, the one with Chang Lin Media and the stolen confidential document? Didn’t she fool everyone? You were worried about her yet she never told you a thing! She’s your wife and what she did was much worse!”

Yang Chen was speechless.

He hadn’t realized that it was a problem until Liu Mingyu reminded him of it.
He couldn’t help but feel troubled.

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