Under the big willow tree at the entrance of Lingshui Village, some villagers brought small benches and some brought small stools, gathering in twos and threes, waiting for the village head to start a meeting.

It was already October, but the willow tree carried no hint of withering, its branches and leaves were still lush, with the huge canopy spreading out to the sides and the branches hanging down to cover the sun in the background.

Uncle Li carried a little stool and stood close to the willow tree. He didnt know if it was his illusion. When he was close to the willow tree, he always felt that his whole body was full of strength, and he was not tired after standing for a long time. Uncle Li was not the only one who felt this way. Several old men and old ladies in the village who often came to the willow tree to chat and play chess also had this feeling. It seemed that the bones of their bodies had healed unknowingly, and they could walk a few miles in one go.

The village head still didnt come, so after waiting for a long time, the old men and women started chatting. Some said they could eat two bowls of rice recently, and some said their teeth that had been loosened could bite meat again, and then someone said he had eaten two more corns yesterday. In short, their health was good recently, and it was all because the tree god blessed them. Uncle Li felt amused. He had seen the world when he was young and didnt believe in the tree god in his heart. But his health had indeed been good recently, and with the resurrection of the old willow tree from the dead, he had to admit that the old willow tree was somewhat extraordinary. With this conflicting psychology, Uncle Lis attitude towards the old willow tree was somewhat contradictory.

When Lu Lingxi and Yan Yue drove over, they saw a crowd of people under the willow tree at the entrance of the village from afar.

Yan Yue was more experienced, “The village is having another meeting.”

Lu Lingxi laughed when he heard it. He didnt know when Lingshui Village had developed the habit of holding meetings under the willow tree at the entrance of the village. As most of the young people in the village were working outside, most of the remaining villagers were older people, so every time they had a meeting, they each brought a bench and a mat, and a meeting to talk about one or two small things could often take up an afternoon. The last time he witnessed such a meeting, he found it quite interesting.

When he got out of the car, Lu Lingxi stood on tiptoe and looked towards the willow tree, found Uncle Li in the crowd and waved his hand vigorously, not knowing if Uncle Li could see it.

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