Too many hands in the jar leaves everyone with nothing but crumbs. ” Minus said.

”Precisely, that ’s why it will only be a last resort tactic if the second option fails.
As for the second option…
We form an alliance with Blue Oasis and promise to help protect their territory.
In exchange, our Cross Haven will receive some special benefits once the territory is successfully under their control.
Even though we won ’t be owners of the territory, at the very least, we will still benefit greatly in the long run.
It will also build a foundation for the later stages of our plans. ” Wang Qiang explained.

Ewan thought it over briefly as he gave a nod of approval and said, ”We ’ll follow through with the second option.
Let ’s hope that it doesn ’t come to the first option.
I have a feeling that Niflheim will see ahead and know the potential consequences for turning down the second option, so I do not believe that it will be an issue.
However, the question is how do we approach Blue Oasis without initially drawing in too much attention to ourselves? ”

”You can just leave this part to me. ” Minus stated in a confident tone as he stood up from his seat and put on a cloak that hid away his features, as well as, his player information.

”I would expect no less from the Ghost Shroud General.
I will entrust this matter to you.
Deal with it as you see fit and contact us when things are ready. ” Ewan said.
There was no exchange of farewells as Minus took his leave after gaining Ewan ’s approval.

”It appears that things will start getting busy after today. ” Zhang Jie commented as he released a small sigh.

”With this war between kingdoms approaching, we have no idea what to expect.
We need as many benefits as we can get so that we can be as prepared as possible to face the unknown.
We ’ve already sent a few squads to locate Tempest and gather information.
We can only hope that they are successful.
For now, let ’s just focus on what ’s in front of us. ” Wang Qiang said.

”I agree.
I have faith in the members of our Cross Haven.
They will surely succeed.
Besides, this territory, the upcoming war, I ’m sure both of you know… ” Ewan stood up front his seat as he began to walk towards the exit of the room.

Just before leaving the room Ewan finished his last few words, ”This is only the beginning. ”

Kryxelsia currently had a blank expression on her face as she examined Izroth.

”Is it that you wish to permanently damage your mana pool? There ’s even a seal on the Seal of Ten Chakrams that has been broken through unnatural means.
If you continue this reckless behavior, mana may no longer be able to gather in your mana pool.
If this happens, even I will be unable to repair the damage done. ” Kryxelsia stated.

”I will be more careful in the future.
I thank you in advance for your assistance. ” Izroth responded with a carefree expression on his face.

Kryxelsia went on to start fixing Izroth ’s mana pool and stabilize the first seal on the Seal of Ten Chakrams that was forcibly unsealed by Kayn.
Since Izroth ’s mana pool was even more damaged than the last time she repaired it, the time it took to fix it was much longer.
As Kryxelsia fixed his mana pool, Izroth discussed the events that led to his mana pool being damaged, as well as, the overall selection.

”The Lustrum Imperial Bout…
So, it is that time once again.
Though I can not say that I am too surprised that you acquired a Lustrum Imperial Token, however, I did not think that it would be the golden token that belongs to the second team.
Obtaining 1st place as well, I did not take you for the ambitious type.
But, acquiring the captain position is no small feat.
Though the responsibility it brings about is a great burden.
Are you certain that you wish to carry such a burden upon your shoulders? ” Krylxesia said.

”A man who lacks any ambition will never set a foot upon the summit.
I do not fear a challenge.
Though from the way you ’re speaking, it would seem that you ’re quite familiar with the Lustrum Imperial Bout. ” Izroth said.

”Although it was a long time ago, I too, participated in the Lustrum Imperial Bout.
During that time, teams did not yet exist and every realm went by their own rules.
There was a large amount of pointless bloodshed caused by greed and misplaced pride.
However, those days have long since become a part of history. ” Kryxelsia explained.

After Krylxesia finished repairing Izroth ’s mana pool and stabilizing his Seal of Ten Chakrams, the two spoke about various topics.
As for the heavenly lightning that took place near the Sky Palace, Kryxelsia did not bring up this topic as she felt that it was beyond Izroth ’s present power to know anything about it.
As to why Izroth himself did not mention it, he was unaware of the heavenly lightning itself.
All he understood at that time was that something extremely dangerous was nearby.

When it came to the mysterious man that he met, Izroth asked Kryxelsia about him.
But, in the end, Kryxelsia said that she had never met nor heard of anyone similar to who Izroth described.
However, Izroth believed that Kryxelsia knew more than she was letting on.
There was a split change in her expression when Izroth mentioned that man.
Although others may not have noticed, it did not escape his attention.

Though Izroth did not take Kryxelsia as someone dishonest by nature.
It was likely that there were certain reasons why she could not or would not discuss anything about the mysterious man.
Since she had her reasons for doing so, Izroth would not press the matter and so he decided to change the topic.

”I ’ve been meaning to ask, do you have any items that contain the Law of Void? ” Izroth asked.
However, when he asked that question, a look of bewilderment appeared on Kryxelsia ’s face.

”You know about the Laws of the World? ” Kryxelsia questioned as a hint of disbelief found its way into her tone.

’Laws of the World? ’

That was something Izroth had never heard of before within RML.
What he was speaking about had to do with his Boundless Emperor Void Perfection skill.
To increase the rate of its growth, he needed the Law of Void.
It was one of the requirements listed on the skill.
He believed that if anyone should know about this, it should be Kryxelsia with her incredibly high knowledge level.

”Does the Law of Void fall under the Laws of the World? ” Izroth asked.

Kryxelsia gave a small nod as she released a light sigh and said, ”You are correct.
The Laws of the World are something that exists everywhere, however, it is not so simple to grasp.
As for items that contain the Laws of the World…
At minimum, they are all unique items.
If it were the Law of Wind or Law of Fire, then I may have been able to lend you a hand somewhat, but for the Law of Void…
I am afraid that anything short of a divine item cannot hold the Law of Void.
You should understand what this means. ”Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

How troublesome.
It looks like I can only depend on my own ability to improve my Boundless Emperor Void Perfection skill for now.
Forget obtaining a divine item, even an epic item is hard enough to come by at the moment. ’

Even though it was a bit disappointing, Izroth knew that there was nothing that could be done about it.

’It would seem that I have to take the difficult route after all. ’

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