499 – Evil Ahriman

The clay brave kicks off the ground to launch itself at me.
I swing my foreleg to intercept it with a series of [Dimension Claws].
But, it darts left and right, closing in with a zig-zag motion to precisely dodge my [Dimension Claws].

…I should be faster, but it doesn’t seem like I can hit it.
It’s dodging with perfect movements, almost as though it’s reading the future and can see where I’m about to aim.
It’s battlefield intuition is simply that good, I suppose.

In a momentary gap, it shoots a [Shockwave] at me.
I twist my body and block with my claws, constantly keeping the clay brave in the centre of my vision.
My claws chip, and blood leaks from my scales.

…It would have been better to dodge and avoid the damage entirely, but any hasty movements might give it an opening.
I have a fair amount of battlefield experience, too.
I know how risky it is to fight on the opponent’s field.

Even if it costs me a little pain, I should fight in a way that best makes use of my strengths.
It’s a bit uncool, but rather than trying to out-predict it, I should aim to force my way through with my stat and skill advantage.
I’m somewhat confident in my ability to take an opponent by surprise outlandish schemes, but it doesn’t seem like I’m at all able to compete with the clay brave’s battlefield intuition.


Once the clay brave has closed most of the distance, I roar.
A black light expands out from me.
It’s the all-purpose [Gravity].
It has a wide range, is quick to deploy, and has a restraining effect.
When my enemies were using it it was extremely annoying, but now that it’s mine it’s been a great help.

It would be great if this was enough to stop it…

As the black light touches it, the [Evil Ahriman] shines brightly.
The clay brave slows down a bit, but still runs towards me.
It doesn’t seem to have been completely meaningless, but… That armour’s magic reflection has cancelled out most of it, it seems.

Magic is ineffective, and attacks that rely on accuracy aren’t any good either.
So then I’ll use an area-of-effect attack! I gather mana into the bottom of my stomach, then spit it all out at once.
[Scorching Breath]!

My vision is swallowed by red.
With how high its defence is, this probably won’t kill it, but… This should have done a fair amount of damage.

I hold my foreleg ready and glare at the flames.
Somewhere inside the [Scorching Breath], the clay brave is hidden from sight.
It’ll be searching for an opportunity to take me by surprise right now.

Aiming to keep it in check, I cut through the flames with [Dimension Claw].
The flames falter from the slash, momentarily improving visibility.

If I can keep attacking, it should struggle to launch a counter.
If I can find where its hunkered down, it could be a great opportunity.

As the flames waver, I spot a human-sized shadow.
I attack it with another [Dimension Claw], then after confirming that it hit, quickly swing my foreleg down to follow up.
I feel the sensation of earth crushing between my fingers.

The clay brave was brittle…? It should have been wearing the high-defence [Evil Ahriman].
It’s hard to imagine that it could be crushed so easily.

The moment I realise that, the ground beneath me splits open and the clay brave leaps out.
Its sword plunges towards my chin.

I-it got me! The thing I crushed just now was a fake made from [Clay]… No, it was probably made as a shield from the flames.
It blocked the incoming flames, then swiftly escaped underground.

I turn my face aside and try to escape from its sword.
But, the clay brave shifts posture in the air, stretching out its sword arm.
No, I can hit it from here.
While it’s in the air, it can’t dodge my claws.

…As I think that, the clay brave swings its sword through to launch a powerful slash into the underside of my chin.
Blue blood scatters, and my neck jerks backwards.E-even though it was this close, it shot a [Shockwave] to make sure it would hit!

Wary of a follow-up, I swing my foreleg towards it while keeping my neck away.
I feel something kicking my foreleg.
No, that was the clay brave using my foreleg as a launching pad. 

A sharp pain runs through my neck.

I kick off the ground, fleeing into the air.
As I twist, the clay braves kicks off my body to escape to the ground.

…I need a moment to prepare myself again.
At this rate it’ll overwhelm me.

A warm sensation runs through my belly.
Glancing down, I see a blood dripping out from a huge gash.
I-it cut me as it was leaving! I knew from when we first clashed, but this clay brave is incredibly strong.

Alchimia had three A+ subordinates, mass produced clay guardians in place of artillery, and gathered Legendary armaments in order to try and defeat a god.
She must have been crazy strong.

But, the clay brave should be no more than an earthen replica of her.
The real person must have been far stronger, and probably had Legendary stats and a huge quantity of skills….
I thought that upon becoming an oneiros, there would be no monsters in the world that could possibly beat me, but… That naive thinking has now been entirely overturned.
Looking back in time there might have been swarms of stronger monsters than me.

I quickly heal the wound on my chin with [Autoregeneration], then when that’s done heal the cut on my belly.

…It’s a relief that it doesn’t have wings.
Now then….
I could try raining down [Dimension Claws], but the fog makes that hard.
I probably wouldn’t be able to hit it.

I’m grateful for having a safe zone where it can’t hurt me, but… Ah! I quickly fly up, dodging a [Shockwave].
I-it can still reach me up here…

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