Soul Contractor

Chapter 7 Dark Devil Yasha

The Next Morning

8 Days Until the incident

Suzuya:Ahh, Its so early

Akane:Suzuya Wake up smack

Suzuya:Ah that hurts Akane!

Akane:Wake up already if you don want me to slap you again

Suzuya:Yes yes, Akane-Sama where are we going to train though?

Akane:In The woods, I check the area yesterday and there are not many people going there

Suzuya:Woods? Ok Im going to change wait for me downstairs

Akane:Ok don take too much time

Suzuya:Yes yes,

After changing I head downstairs

Akane:Lets go

Suzuya:Yawn… Its still too early for this

Akane:Pick up the pace your slow

Suzuya:You are just fast and Im not the type of guy who exercises in the morning

Akane:Right you just want to watch your anime and read your manga

Suzuya:Yeah you get it so lets head back

I turn around but Akane grabs my back and pulled me

Akane:But thats not going to work we
e going to train right and I will explain the whole contract

Suzuya:Ok, looks like there is no turning back lets do this Akane!

Akane:Looks like your fired up now huh lets pick up the pace and race to the woods the winner gets to order the loser

Suzuya:Im not going to lose hyaaahh! I run faster and faster

We arrived at the woods

Suzuya:Ahh, Im tired and I lose damn it. How come you are not tired?

Akane:Your stamina is just low you need to build it up but don worry thats what we
e going to do here.

Akane:Ok I win I ordered you to buy me ice cream on the way home

Suzuya:Thats it? I thought you might order me something harder to do but if thats what you want fine

Suzuya and Akane:Deal!

Akane:Now practice this

Akane throws a kendo stick at me

Suzuya:Kendo Stick? Oh, Im going to be a swordsman is that right?

Akane:Swordsman, hahaha swordsman you hahaha

Suzuya:Don laugh then why did you give This to me

Akane:Practice 100 swings, You can be a swordsman but you need to train hard so you can be, puff hahaha

Suzuya: You
e laughing again, Ok Im just going to swing this thing right, Lets do This hyah!

Akane:His doing it right but his form is still unstable.

After swinging 100 swings

Suzuya:Done Akane can we go home now? Im so tired my arms are going to give up any minute now

e not going home yet, Go do some push-ups 50 push-ups you can do it right?

Suzuya:Ok, Just give me a minute

After my hell work out we
e finally done

Akane: You
e done thats it for today, the contract is formed by agreeing on the condition like the condition I give you yesterday now that you agree we
e partners now, Lets do This Suzuya

Akane said smiling and offering her hand I take it and shake it

Suzuya:Looking forward to it Akane! Looks like we
e going to be stuck together

Akane:Ok lets go home don forget my ice cream

Suzuya:Yes yes, strawberry right?

Akane:Yeah, don forget training again tomorrow but harder and Im going to explain the power system being a soul contractor

We head back home and buy her ice cream

Suzuya:Ah, Im tired Im going to my room


Mom:Where are you two this early in the morning?

Suzuya:In the woods, Akane forces me to exercise

Mom:Is that so thank you Akane-Chan my son is lazy but please take care of him

Now Mom is thanking Akane ever since Akane arrived at this house my family is noisier but its not a bad thing.

Akane:Suzuya why are smiling?

Suzuya:Nothing nothing lets eat

Mom:Akane-Chan you
e transferring to Suzuyas school right is there something you need help with?

Akane:Nothing I take care of it all, Thanks for offering help but Im ok.

Mom:If you say so

After eating

Suzuya:Mom, we
e going to school now

Mom:Okay bye take care, Suzuya take care of Akane-chan

Suzuya:Yes yes, bye see you later, Lets go Akane

10 minutes later

Suzuya:Were here Akane

Akane:Ok I need to go to the staff office

Suzuya:Don worry I will come with you, and give you a tour around after school

Random People 1:Who is that girl shes so beautiful

Random People 2:Shes wearing our school uniform transfer student?

Random People 3:Goddess?

Akane:Why is everyone looking at me?

Suzuya:Because You
e beautiful, and your long black hair is so smooth

Akane blushed and pouted


Suzuya:Im just telling the truth

After that, we arrived at the teachers office

Teacher: You
e in Suzuyas class Suzuya Can you take her to the classroom?

Suzuya:Yes, Sir

Suzuya:This is our classroom

The bell rings

Teacher:Guys Im going to introduce you to our new friend Akane Introduce yourself

Akane: Akane Nice to meet you looking forward to working with you

Classmate Boy:Sensei I have a question

Teacher:Ok what is it?

Classmate:Akane-San? Do you have a boyfriend?

Akane:Yes I have there he is Suzuya!

Akane points at me and wave

Whole Class:What!?

Teacher:Shh! The class is going to start Akane you can sit there Suzuya is that seat available

Suzuya:Yes its available.

After that, the class begins

7 days until the incident

End of chapter 6

Spoiler Yamiyo and Ahmya are finally making their move

Thank you for reading follow my account for more chapters of this

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