is piece of Intel was gotten through one of our spies three hundred years ago. ” Zosia suggested for the outsiders, so they could drop their suspicion.

Without exception, everyone asked the Queen, and she confirmed the list ’s legitimacy.

”So what? ”

One of the outsiders yawned as he folded his hands behind his back disrespectfully.

He seemed quite arrogant and proud from the way he kept his distance from the other representatives, not wanting to mingle with them.

Zosia eyed the handsome laid-back man and asked, ”What do you mean, King Solluman? ”

She excused his behavior since she knew that he was an Origin Bloodliner, who owned the 8th ranked kingdom in the empire.

While other strong backgrounds sent representatives, King Solluman came on his own.
Zosia knew that it wasn ’t out of respect but simply because he was most likely bored.

”All of us knows that the empire harbor ill intent towards us.
After all, we are occupying their territory. ” King Solluman shrugged his shoulders, ”So, why should I be surprised that they are scheming against us? ”

Everyone nodded their heads and stopped freaking out in their mind.

They could see that the anti-royalty alliance was hoping to recruit them on their side by making a common enemy out of the royal family.

Sure, the Intel was enough to raise a few hairs, but to throw their lot with the anti-royality alliance in this war? Not a chance.

”You are right. ” Zosia snickered faintly, ”But, do you know what has been keeping the royal family from coming after you all this long? ”

Not giving King Solluman the time to answer, Zosia pointed at her chest and proclaimed, ”It was us! ”

”We always wondered why was the royal family passive against the unaffiliated backgrounds even though we found out that they had been scheming to declare wars on them. ” Zosia disclosed, ”Only now did we understand that the royal family had to postpone their plans after figuring out about our hidden intentions against them. ”

”So, if it wasn ’t for us diverging their focus from you guys, I doubt you will be sitting here with us now. ”

When King Solluman thought about it carefully, he realized that she might be right.
The royal family found out about the anti-royality alliance two hundreds years ago.

Since Queen Ai confirmed the Intel of the anti-royality alliance, it was safe to assume that the royal family had to switch their aim from them to the anti-royality alliance.

King Solluman was an intelligent man with thousands of years of experience under his belt.

Hence, he figured out what Zosia was leading to before she could say it.

’If those pigs postponed their plan against us until they deal with the anti-royality alliance, then we will be royally screwed over after the war ends! ’ King Solluman gulped a small mouthful, feeling nervous for the first time about the results of this war.

He understood that if the anti-royality lost, the royal family would have taken care of the three strongest superpowers in the empire in one go.

This would leave the other entities in the empire completely vulnerable against them!

After all, the only reason the empire had yet to make a move against them was due to those three superpowers leaving them on their toes.

When they get rid of them, it would be their turn next and no one would be there to beseech help from!

”Without us being your shield, your days are numbered in this empire. ” Zosia said coldly, ”That ’s a fact that you can ’t refuse even if you wanted. ”

Seeing that King Solluman didn ’t retort made other outsiders nervous too.

Since they were sent as representatives, it only meant that they could see the bigger picture as well.
In reality, they always knew deep down that the royal family wasn ’t pleased by their ’illegal occupation ’.

However, after centuries went by and the royal family kept their hands held back, they started to feel like their territory truly belonged to them!

”You see…I believe that all of you had gotten too comfortable in your territories.
The Norfolks passiveness against you made them seem like they had lost their edge or given up on dealing with you. ”

”But in reality, they never stopped sharpening their spears. ” Zosia sneered as she looked at them squirm in their seats, ”It seems like they are finally ready to pull them out against us. ”

”My question to you is really simple. ” Zosia paused for a second then laid out a question that echoed through the hall, ”Will You Fight Now or Die Later? ”

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