e nonexistent.”

Just as Shui Anluo was about to leave, Chu Ningyi’s calm voice rang out.

Chu Ningyi held the car door and got down from the car, blocking her path.

“You do know that if Soaring Distance Technologies’ reorganization were to fail, that means that we have to declare bankruptcy.”

“Are you threatening me?” Shui Anluo clutched the bag in her hand as she stopped herself from pulling the pepper spray out to immediately spray it all over his handsome face1.

Chu Ningyi shook his head.
“I just wanted to talk to you.” He explained, not in the least bit pitiful.

“But there’s nothing for us to talk about,” Shui Anluo icily snapped.
“I can still do it on my own without you.” Shui Anluo then walked past him, wanting to leave.

Chu Ningyi reached out and grabbed her wrist once again as he spoke in a dark tone, “What can you do? Do you have any idea who those people are?”

Shui Anluo’s body tensed up.
Actually, she did not know anything but she was even more reluctant to beg Chu Ningyi.

“If you insist on raising the stakes of Soaring Distance Technologies’ survival with the animosity between us, then I have nothing to say.” Chu Ningyi slowly let go as if waiting for her answer.

Soaring Distance Technologies’ survival.

That was Shui Anluo’s Achilles’ Heel and Chu Ningyi has always been accurate in catching the vulnerabilities others.

Shui Anluo looked up as a cold hatred filled her eyes.
“Chu Ningyi, is there anything else you know aside from issuing threats?”

Chu Ningyi’s eyes narrowed.
Even his body grew tense.

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