The Extra's Survival

Chapter 100: Aler City[2]

Lucas opened his eyes and looked at the unfamiliar ceiling. He looked around to find himself in the room lying on the bed.

Lucas noticed the soft silk sheet as its fibres brushed against his skin. He was in different sets of pyjamas. His clothes had been changed by someone.

The bed and sheet were neat and clean and the bed was large enough for five people to sleep. There was a huge cabinet on the other side of the wall which was decorated with various exotic colours. The room may not be big nor too lavishly decorated but it certainly belongs to the place where the upper echelon of the society stayed.

Lucas stretched his back and got up. After going through this dungeon exploration with so much fighting and killing, he seriously wished for a break, he felt as if his mental state had been destabilized by all those killings.

Lucas looked at the side of the bed where a golden bell was placed on the table. Lucas recalled that it can be used to call the servants of the place in a large hotel or places like this.

He looked around and opened the cabinet to see a few sets of clothes placed in it. He picked a random one from the sets of clothes and after changing it, rang the bell.

After a few moments, he opened the door on hearing the knock.

Opening the door, he saw a man wearing a black coat dressed like the butler and standing before him in an elegant upright posture asked.

”How may this servant help you? ” The man spoke bowing his head.

”Where is this place? ” Lucas asked to figure out the place where he was.

”It ’s the lord guest house, Sir. ” The man replied politely.

’Lord guest house, I think I am in one of the residence houses of the lord of Aler. ’

Lucas thought for a moment and asked ”Have you know or heard anything about a group of students similar to my age? ”

”Are you referring to the ones from the Horizon? ” The man asked.

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