uld do nothing about him.

”Don ’t worry, husband.
Yang Yang will come back.
I will try contacting her again tomorrow. ”

Xue Yuming nudged her husband.
They should be getting a move soon and not continue standing by the stairs.

Huo Yunting had entered his own room, so Huo Zhenning looked away from his son and left without a word.

After all the hoohah, the Huo family did not sleep well that night, especially Xue Yuming.

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She dreamed of Lu Zhaoyang waving goodbye at her, saying that she could no longer stay by her side.

She woke up from the nightmare and could not fall asleep again for the rest of the night.

Xue Yuming felt tired and distracted the next day.
She was ignored by old Mrs Huo when she greeted her.
Even the servants began to show disrespect for her.

The old missus was the most respected figure in the family.

If the old lady continued to treat her so coldly, the rest would not treat her any better.

Huo Yunting stayed by his grandmother ’s side and even took her for a walk after breakfast.
Huo Zhenning was nowhere to be seen.

That left Xue Yuming sitting alone on the living room ’s sofa, continuing to call Lu Zhaoyang ’s phone.

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She hoped that Lu Zhaoyang would pick up her call soon and come back to her.
She must not be dragged down by this scandal!

The call never connected.
She ran out of patience.
If she could not reach her daughter, then she would not be able to survive for long in the Huo family.

The old missus would keep her word and chase her out of the house.

Xue Yuming did not want to leave Huo Zhenning and the luxurious life here!

On the other side of the planet, in faraway France, Lu Zhaoyang and Huo Chen were completely oblivious about the fact that their escape had been discovered.

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