White Online

Chapter 440: The Grand Auction (1)

After half an hour later, Isabella, Malcolm, and Madison went to fetch some food, leaving only Isaac and Maxwell.

As the door closed, Isaac asked immediately, ’ ’What about the Grand Priest robe? ’ ’

Maxwell sighed and said, ’ ’Legacy Company visited me and wanted the robe back. Unfortunately, I didn ’t have it. The police had.

’ ’But then, they visited the police station, somehow got the robes that were part of the evidence, and left shortly afterward. ’ ’

’ ’Oh… Sorry. ’ ’ Isaac apologized because it was clearly his fault.

’ ’Oh, don ’t be. ’ ’ Maxwell shook his head, ’ ’It never belonged to me anyway… ’ ’

As they continued talking, Isabella returned with a tray of food.

After they finished the food, the door creaked open, and another familiar face appeared, with her beautiful crystal eyes shimmering with joy. She was dressed in a beautiful white long coat, long kneesocks, and shoes that perfectly fit her soft, delicate feet.

Luna couldn ’t help but smile as she saw the familiar gray eyes widening in surprise and joy.

Isabella and Maxwell glanced at the doorway. Then, they stood up and gave one last hug at Isaac before leaving.

While walking past Luna, Isabella smiled and patted her soft hair. They have had the pleasure of meeting with their son ’s girlfriend quite often, and they quite enjoy her company. She was also as cute as a kitten, making their exhaustion slowly disappear after they saw her.

Luna entered the suite with a smile and hugged Isaac immediately. Her lips stayed tightly closed, and her pounding heart could be felt by Isaac.

Isaac rubbed her soft hair and held her by her waist. After staying quiet for several minutes, they separated from a hug and shared a quick kiss.

Luna sat on the chair and smiled cheerfully, ’ ’How are you doing? ’ ’

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