Worlds Merging

The incursion

London, Battersea

It was a day like any other for Josh. A little bit cloudy but not raining. Josh was kicking a ball as he walked home

”Yo Josh! ”

A familliar voice exclaimed

Josh looked behind him as Devin was running towards him

Josh kept walking forwards as Devin cought up to him

”Yo ”

Devin breathed heavily almost out of breath

”My ps4 broke can i come over to play some fifa over at your place ”

Josh nodded a little

”Y….yeah ”

”Whats got you down man ”

Devin and Josh kept on walking while Josh kept kicking the ball

”Its just the history assigment ”

Devin smiled

”Don worry, once you become a Premier league footballer you won need history ”

Devin and Josh both laughed together

Joshs flat

Josh took out a key and put it into the keyhole of the door

He jerked the key right and opened the door

He took a step over the doorstep as his mom yelled out

”Welcome home honey, would you like lunch ”

”Hello ms.Josh ”

”Oh hello david, have you come to play games with Josh? ”

”You know it ”

David smiled widely

Josh and David slowly walked to Joshs room where they put their bags down

David sat on the bed while Josh slid out his chair away from his desk and started the ps4

The ventilators of the ps4 whirled up

His mother walked in with 2 plates of spaghetti

She walked out and slowly closed the door behind her

David cracked his knuckles and picked up a controler

”Time to beat you again ”

”I don think thats going to happen ”

6 hours later

Josh looked at the clock on the wall above the ps4

”Damn, i guess its time for you to go ”

David strenched a little while still sitting on the bed

”Oh damn really?….ugh ”

David placed the controller on his right and got up from the bed

Josh also got up at the same time to turn the ps4 off

David picked up his bag and turned to Josh

”Well see you in school tomorrow ”

”Yup ”

Before David could even place one leg through the doorstep of Joshs room the room started to violently shake

”What is happening ” David exclaimed

”I don know maybe an earthquake? ”

”In London? ”

The two of them looked at eachother puzzled which almost made the loose balance

After a few seconds the shaking stopped and Joshs mom rushed into the room

”You boys alright? ”

”Yes but what happened? ”

Josh asked his mom but no reply c

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