forest. ”Wait, Female, where are you going? ” Corwin shouts only for me to walk faster into the woods. In the corner of my eye I see Ethan stop Corwin.

I after I feel I have ventured far enough away I begin to dig a hole and let my business be. ”Man I really wish I had a tissue in my pocket, ” I think to myself only to remember how my sweatshirt was destroyed. ”Damn, stupid beast-werewolf man thing! He destroyed my sweatshirt, left me alone in the woods, and even made me drop my food! Jeez, if it weren for that fact he had his looks I would have ripped him a new one. ” I continued to ponder.

Just thinking about the man child, Corwin and his attractive eyes made my heart flutter. I finish up my business and wipe myself with a nearby leaf before pushing the dirt back over the hole. ”I guess this is how its going to be till I get back home. ” I mumble to myself sadly. I begin to walk back to the cave before I realised, ”Im lost. ” I angeryly say to myself as I continued to walk in circles.

”Well, this ain getting me anywhere. ” I think to myself before taking a rest on a patruding rock. ”What am I going to do!? ” I ask myself worryingly before I hear something fly over my head. I startenly jump off the rock and look around to see what it was only to come across nothing. I continue to survey the trees up high as the feeling of someone watching me grows.

Anxiety builds up in my chest and my heart beats fast. ”H-hello? ” I let out in a startled voice but no answer could be heard. My heart continues to beat rapidly as the suspense continues to fule my fears. In the distance I could hear howling. ”Oh please tell me that is one of the brothers. ” I beg an unknown force as the sounds came closer to me.

Studdenly another dashing movement passes over head and narrowly misses me by a hair. After that I didn bother to stick around and I began to run towards the fast approaching animal that is coming my way. I run faster and faster till I run face first into a chest of fluffy hair and Im sent tumbling backwards.

I look up to see its none other than a wolfs silhouette. ”Ah Milori, please tell me thats you! ” I yell as I begin to stand up and face the giant white wolf that stood before me. The wolf stares at me for a while before turning into a Beast-man thing. ”Female, why did you run away? And why are you so scared? ” Milori asks in a concerned and tender tone.

I flush in embarrassment as I try to explain why I left. ”I, uh… needed to relieve myself. ” I say as I brush off the dirt on my arm. Milori at lightning speed beings to grab my arm and check it from injuries. ”Why where you running? ” Milori asks as his face comes closer to me. ”By gods grace, why!? My heart! ” I scream internally as I try not to stare at his face.

”I-I was running from something in the trees. It was flying over head so I got scared and ran towards your calls. ” I admit to my fear as I turned away embarrassed. I could feel Miloris intense gaze as it was long and intimidating.

This intense look how ever was short lived as I could hear two other howls in the distance. ”We were worried when you took off so suddenly female, you should stay closer to us in the future. ” Milori gently scolded me before answering the howling wolves.

”My name.. ” I awkwardly started to say and Milori quickly turned his head in confusion. ”What about it? ” Milori asks before I could continue. ”Gosh darn it if we are all going to travel together its about time youve said my name. ” I angeryly thought to myself before I answered Miloris question. ”Please call me by my name. It is Avery. ” I say with a gentle smile, as I try to forget about the terrifying experience with my unknown attacker.

Milori seemed to pause for a moment as his eyes locked mine with a warm gaze. It seemed to last long and sent a nervous smile to form on my face. Miloris grip seemed to get tighter too as the moments lasted. But all of this was soon short lived with a sudden crash through the bush sent a shock through my body.

I turn to see both Corwin and Ethan in their wolf forms. Both seemed to be out of breath. ”Female, why did you suddenly walk off? ” Corwin rushed to my side in a worried tone before his nose danced around in the air. ”Female, whats that smell? ” Corwin asked in a curious manner and in return my face instantly flushed.

”Yeah, your scent seems different now. ” Ethan chimes in as Corwin proceeds to turn into a human form. As he did so my perverted eyes instantly fell onto the thing in between his legs. My face flushes more so at the sight of this and I cover my eyes. Before I had the chance to even say anything Corwin grabbed my hair and sniffed it.

”Female…did something happen? ” Corwin asks as I suddenly realise they aren talking about the body odor. ”Yes something did happen- ” I started to say before Miloris eyes shot wildly around the trees and the other two did the same. ”We
e being watched, ” Milori coldly states before turning into a wolf. The other two do the same as they all start to circle around me.

Their eyes darted wildly around the forest scenery. Then suddenly I too felt a cold chill run down my spine. I look up in the direction of this piercing glare. Up high I could see a large figure perched on top of the tree branch. It was hard to make out but the two large fuzzy enteni made it easy for me.

The eyes of this creature locks onto my own as we silently stare at each other. With this a sudden chill runs through my blood and I am left paralysed. Milori soon picked up on this and forced his large body underneath me to knock me to the ground. His eyes looked in the direction I stared at and they suddenly filled with a murderous intent.

Corwin dragged me to my feet before Milori spoke again. ”We need to leave, now! Fe-Avery, get onto Corwin back. He will be carrying you. ” The tone in his voice was serious and purposeful. Everything in my body told me to do as Milori said. With little hesitation I jumped onto Corwin a back, there we proceeded to zoom through the forest.

My body was tightly pressed against Corwin as I dared not to look around us. The speed we were going at made me hardly feel the branches and leaves that brushed up against me. My hair flew wildly as we traveled through the forest. It seemed to go on for an hour before Corwin came to a stop.

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